This Ship Is Sinking


The question is, "Who will survive?" Presently, I am looking for a life boat, but they all seem to be gone. The fact that the ship's orchestra is still playing, won't really ease the panic that has grabbed those without any means to leave this desaster.
Metaphorically speaking, that is.
Even without making a list of events leaving people in utter despair and hopelessness, sorted from "most tragic" to "not really a big deal", You know how despair and hopelessness is distributed on planet Earth. As I type this. As You read it. Thanks be given if You are on one of the life boats. I'll presume that Your joy of being in one of those is offset by the observation of those going down with the unsinkable ship. Hard to imagine how one could ever forget this sight.

The same has to be true observing planet Earth - the indestructable planetary ship as people assume it to be - with all its passengers hurtling through space. Well, many have figured out, that the comparison could not be more apt. Spaceship Earth is also listing right now. The most apparent difference has to be, that there are no life boats, yet. There won't be anywhere close to be sufficient numbers anyways.

Just like on the Titanic, the majority of passengers are bound to share the same fate. Orchestras are playing, movies are showing, games are on. Wars are the equivalent of icebergs. Destructive and with its gravest dangers below the water line. While news about the climate are painted in ever more gloomy and dooming colors, huge profits are made by providing extra destruction of the Space Ship Earth.
The passengers of the lower decks and crew are now confronted with the same choices those on the Titanic had. Poor people are simply written off, slaves discarded when no more useful. There are other parallels as well, You will see them with ease. Like the Captain, or in our case the Captains of Earth, as they portray themselves to be. However, our Captains have bunkers in which they can descend to escape the sinking of Earth for the masses of people.

What is left, is anything but sobering. Yes, we all have to die one moment, but should that moment be determined by people that are absorbed by self-interest? During the last few years of sinking, the painful lesson had to be accepted, that not all lives are equal. Some are more equal and those are not in the least interested to save anybody, but themselves and their ilk. This won't come as a surprise to those who can feel the ice cold waters of space. Staying on the ship will lead to the same results as jumping over board, metaphorically.

How many people on the Titanic would have asked for assisted suicide in the face of a dark, cold abyss waiting for them? How many are desperately seeking for the same solution in the face of conditions, that make life as it was supposed to be lived impossible? Death has its own schedule, one cannot change the calendar, so it goes. From a spiritual perspective, it probably does not matter at all what life is doing about it. Re-scheduling is just part of a misunderstanding about when Death comes to take us away. A war, an earthquake, a tornado, a tsunami, cancer, injections - anything goes. Assisted suicide has been rejected by the religious folks that make the majority of this country. Suffering and pain, agony and torment are much better than a dignified exit in the face of a life that is such no more. It is like sinking on the Titanic.

At that, the Titanic is in my little house. A cold and dark abyss with the orchestra being the Felines playing to the inevitable outcome. May Death be kind, but hurry up. Too much suffering, too much pain to keep hoping that there is hope to make it out of this without a life boat.


The theme of suicide is troubling to me. It is for that reason which makes me want to pry, as to what is the cause of the suffering of which you allude? Is it financial worries? Lonelyness issues? Depression? Anxieties? Or maybe combinations of the same? It is asked without judgement but only to better understand.

Apologies, I saw Your presponse only now.
It is all of the above. What was planned to be a vacation in order to recover from loss and hardship after escaping the 2018 volcanic eruption in my neighborhood "Leilani Estates" on Hawai'i Island, turned out to be nothing short of a death sentence. After having been hit by lightning, my mental health turned worse than it already was. A black hole swallowed me. When I was finally ready to leave this place, boarding was denied based on faulty health certificates for my Felines and the first troubles of an ensuing pandemic. Based on the pandemic, I was denied returning to Bavaria, because thus place here was on germany's red alert list. Then came mandatory vaccination for air travelers - my health condition does not allow for "vaccination". Then my father died based on a broken heart over my inability to leave here. Then my mom's dementia kicked in and she was admitted into a closed care facility. When the mandate for air travelers was rescinded, I realized that my passport will expire too soon to be able to return to the states. For over a year I have worked for a table manufacture - but never paid entirely. It is really the sum of adverse life events that has erased any hope I had for getting back on my feet. Destitute and with failing health, it us my two Felines who are keeping me going. The saddest thing above all is, that I was a humorous, witty and funny person before my life partner died. To regain my energy and joy for life has been my main goal for a long time. Yet, I get dished out one whopper after another. And I am still suffering from cold and damp weather. The anxiety and panic attacks I have learned to manage and I listen to a very soothing Ganesha Mantra that calms me down when things get too heavy. And of course reading resonses from You. You can surely imagine that the lack of feedback is not uplifting either. But I understand that people do not want to read about things they don't want to experience themselves.
Thank You again. I treasure Your responses.

Reading your reply reminded me of two points in my life; finding myself broke and destitute in foreign lands. Once in Morocco and another time in India. Being a younger man it may have been easier for me to get back on my feet; yet the fear and isolation of those times is still haunting to me. Your reply rekindled those feelings and gives me great empathy of your plight.

Are your cats now able to travel?

Yes, dear, they are also eager to leave. I told them that things will get better if we just get once more on saner grounds, or I should say: warmer grounds...


Felix (Grey and White) and Oscar - my life preservers