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RE: How to join the “Titus Frost” Multi Channel Network MCN - DTUBE Upload!

in #titusfrost7 years ago

Steemit & D Tube Is completely controlled by the Khazar Jews & Deep State, hence my complete shadow banning and your low numbers, about time to wake up to this fact.


I doubt it, I have never been censored on here, and I have done pretty well on this platform.

So why are you only getting twenty or thirty upvotes In many of your recent posts when you have five thousand subs. Which Is less than ten upvotes per thousand subs? I tell you why some how they're controlling this platform.

How often you write about the Talmud & the Jews that are running this system? You use the pc term zionism, when the problem Is Tallmudic Jews that worship Saturn/Satan. Although you do good work to me your not a full truther, you're not calling out the Jewish mafia. You also are pushing the whole outer space nonsense. Where Is your proof that space exists? It's all BS based on Kabbalah Jewish Mysticism, It's not real & doesn't exist.