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RE: TMI: Topics & Tunes Cancelled Today - BUT WHY?!?!

in #tmi5 years ago

Eva and her stupid apple eating habits are the ones to blame for this!!!

Girl so here is the thing i have never had any pains like you and many others have and i thank the blood goddess for it but i did had 10 to 15 days of how can i produce so much blood in my little body and then i started on the pill, that thing made everything great and awesome only 3 day periods!! JUST 3 DAYS!!! I was happy so obviously i had to go and screw things up and had the brilliant idea of getting pregnant cause you know oh lets make a small copy of the boy I love so I can have 2 annoying guys to deal with and not just 1 I have to say the whole being pregnant and for 9 whole months (plus 2 weeks cause they lie yo you and pregnancy doesnt really last only 9 months) not getting the old aunt flo visit was AMAZING once then the consequences of that came getting cut open to extract the human being from out of me i thought well i should take advantage of this and stop the baby factory for good so smart of me! Also i had yet another 3 months of not monthly visit from lady in red cause of new mom hormones so i was happy.

But then it came! It came with fury and seeking revenge! She was angry I had her contain for so long. Since the baby factory was no more i didn't need to take any pills (good since they are expensive and now i have diapers to buy) so yeah, i now have 10 days periods with cramps and i still dont know how i manage to produce sooooo much blood during the whole 10 days.

My advice, dont get pregnant just to avoid the period for 9 months cause it will come back even worse and dont stop taking the pill even if you have to kill to get it cause that thing is magical!

So sorry for your pain i hope you feel better soon!


oh lets make a small copy of the boy I love so I can have 2 annoying guys to deal with and not just 1

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Honey, that's just love. 😉

AND OMG. 10 DAYS?! I dunno... you may not be human...
Once I stopped the pill it DID come back pretty hard. But for real, HOW do you explain to your brain that the 10 days will eventually end? You must be a superhuman at least.

I'm pretty sure I'm too old to make a baby (safely) by myself. I mean, I bet I could make one... but would it come out weird? Hard to say. 🤣
We really want kids (now) so we are looking at adopting. We simply weren't responsible enough to do it earlier... or we were too responsible? I dunno. The jury is out on that.

But... most importantly: note taken. "Stop the flow, it's go nowhere to go. It will come back... with avegeance." 😬

Thank you for your empathy! 🥰

We really want kids (now) so we are looking at adopting.

I will sell you my kid!!! I accept Hive and HBD!! i know what you are thinking OMG how can she sell him to me and not just give him for free, well I did spend a lot of money already on diapers and baby stuff, but on the plus side you will get him with a lot of clothes so... is a pretty good deal.

I'm pretty sure I'm too old to make a baby (safely) by myself. I mean, I bet I could make one... but would it come out weird? Hard to say. 🤣

How old are you 100? i had him at 31 but i have friends that had theirs at 35 so... idk im not a doctor but i'm pretty sure is safe to have kids as long as you are healthy, btw you cant make a baby by yourself even if you are young, you do need the help of the guy you know for "Making of". on the other hand if you adopt you are saving a life and don't have to go through the pain of birthing a human being, and let me tell you something even if you have a c-section and they give you drugs they still make a human being come out of a very small whole in your body that HURTS a lot!.


HOW do you explain to your brain that the 10 days will eventually end?

Do you know what the most fun part is? well when on day 8 you think YOU DARE TO THINK!!! that it is over that is gone! and then boom day 9 you wake up and she is still visiting!!!

Ahhh! I still feel dumb today! I woke up feeling alright and started working only to be hit in the face with it... Dumb.

My very own chubby cheeked little buddy! I will send you 1 million HIVE!!

Girl, don't you know you ain't supposed to ask a lady's age?!🤣 I'll be 39 this year... Statistically that's not too pretty.

And wait... what are you saying? That childbirth hurts? That you (somehow) still remember?? Yeah... I assumed that. I mean, I've seen videos... it doesn't appear to be a 'nice day at the spa'. 🤣🤣🤣

@carrieallen yes i notice you not feeling well since you posted from splinterlands LMAO


Clearly I shouldn't be allowed to internet on these days... yet up until now no one has been the wiser. Not sure how that helps me. 🤣

Ya know... I could remove my comment (not delete, as to leave your reply)... but will anyone even notice? Probably not.
🤣 #moonbrain #isthatathing?

also OMG you shitting me 39?!?!?!?!?! how on earth you are 39?!?!?! LIES!!!! you look not much older than 30!!! i demand to see a birth certificate to proof that!

Bwahahaha! True facts. I've always looked very young. Like when I turned 21 and started bartending people swore I couldn't have been over 14. 🤣

Plus, when I was 7 I got 3rd degree sunburns (cause I stayed outside forever) and was told I couldn't do that again ... so I very much don't tan... so I don't wrinkle. MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!