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RE: Todo Fino con Eddie Espino #14 - Mi nueva rutina y más

in #todofino8 months ago

it is nice to see that you are available to do this for your son. Some men believes that the duty of taking care of the baby is that of mother and call it women duties. I have been wondering, how do you share the responsibilities of taking care of eddito with grivisa?


She is the one who takes care of him the most, but as I mentioned, I always spend the early mornings with him. Sometimes, I also bathe him and change his diapers. Also, I take care of all the expenses as Gris is currently not working.

Another baby is coming in December so that it will be double the fun.

Wow! Another baby... Eddiespino, you are a striker ⚽. You have scored your second goal 😁🤗🤗🤗. Congrats!
