Bernie under your skin again?
Sorry, don't understand what you're saying. If you're talking about @berniesanders, I don't have a beef with them, including the actual political candidate.
Look, I wasn't a calculative guy and have mostly curated since the beginning, but have been reducing over time ever since I've learned the system doesn't side honest voting behavior. Try losing like a hefty amount of opportunity cost curating accounts that mostly end up selling out to bidbots that continuously undercut Steem's primary markets. Nothing to blame but the poorly designed economy though.
And I'm actually having a really bad stomach for the past couple months.
Well thanks for telling us about your health issues, hope you feel better soon.
It's good to see how well you are developing your overall leadership skills and ability to make a point, sell it, set an example
Did you notice we are now 74th on the coinmarketcap. and at ATL at the satoshi level.
Your behavior is part of setting an example and protecting OUR investment. I can not imagine what on Earth you guys are thinking.
Anyway, hope your IBS clears up.