What do you do if you really don't have any other options than either sitting on a public toilet ring or stand on it?
I've seen the rotating plastic cover, and I've seen some alternatives too, one being some paper covers that one can use, the other being dispensers with desinfecting fluid that one can use with toilet paper to clean the ring. I think the latter can have some merit.
In my childhood I also had some fobia against public toilet seats, and I postponed all big toilet errands until I was at home, and I had no problems with that. Then again, it must be said that the ring in the mens toilet is usually more dirty than in the ladies toilet.
Today I don't have any problems with it, though I inspect the ring and wash it with water and toilet paper if it's dirty.
Whenever a water closet is flushed, there will be some spray of particles, and it will make the ring a bit dirty, but this is as much of a problem at home as at a public toilet.
we learned to half squat
most asian women do that
we never really sit down on any public restroom even if it looks dry or clean cause think scabies
even the EU isn't safe on that these days we know
even in hotels, we still disinfect our toilet seats cause you'll never know how it was cleaned
we always carry alcohol and disinfectant with us
we're pretty compulsive on that part
I've had scabies, that was pretty bad. I never understood where it came from ... I never thought of toilet seats as a vector.
I could also be wrong but I think its possible if you happen to sit a few sec right after a carrier
I even hold public WC doors with a tissue
all the time - that compulsive haha
and then alcohol even if I have washed my hands
the world has changed around here as you probably already know
Perhaps even some 72 hours after.
I googled it a bit, at one source it said "yes, it's possible", the other source said "yes, it's possible, but highly unlikely".
It can't be much common, because if it was, it would spread like wildfire throughout the western world. Or, what do I know, maybe I'm the only one using public toilet rings without making sure it's disinfected before use.
Well, it may be a point, quite many people does not wash their hands properly after toilet visits. When leaving the bathroom, when my hands are freshly washed, I sometimes (but rarely) do try to open the door with as little surface contact as possible, i.e. touching the doorhandle only with the tip of my little finger.
I've also seen recommendations that one use tissue when turning off the water after washing hands.
oh my I didn't know about that 72 hours .. eeekkkk.. scary
sometimes its scary to be in a hotel too
sheets !!!
yeah I always use a tissue
and alcohol all the time
so I drink mostly water
too much alcohol - my liver haha!
I visited my mother while I had this scabies problem. She was made aware of it. The only thing she did was to grab my bedclothes by hands and shove them into the washing machine. That was sufficient to get infected. No, I was not sitting on the same toilet as her, that wasn't the vector.