Minnow (MNW)

Minnow (MNW) token was created to serve as a Royalty Rewards Token to eligible Redfish Holders. Minting Free Coins, MNW will be given every 25th day of the Month to all Redfish Share Holders.

Token Information
Symbol : MNW
Algorithm : Waves Platform
Issuer : 3PKQDd5gT3rqrFVQVAagEtbXNPw9i1Gqwdg
Reissuable : False
Decimals : 6
Total supply : 1.000000
Max supply : 1.000000
Circulating : 1.000000
Block Explorer:
Source code :
http://dev.pywaves.org/assets/DYzakEXWXzYL1ZFahGDNwc3KGysGDEKpxd8nqRzBAtAy http://wavesexplorer.com/tx/DYzakEXWXzYL1ZFahGDNwc3KGysGDEKpxd8nqRzBAtAy https://github.com/wavesplatform