PaidThruExchangeis asocial Exchange network built on the Ethereum blockchain

in #token6 years ago

PaidThruExchangeis asocial Exchange network built on the Ethereum blockchain. Our goal is torevolutionize the way businesses and consumers connect through social media.We want to create a reward-based ecosystemthat merges the strength and social value of consumers to trusted offersfrom businesses. We match consumers with product and service offers from brands they are interested in, and reward them for every connection and social engagement made.This paper highlights the value we create as well as our approach.

The Problem

It is well-known that our entire social network activities are a billion dollar industry managed by the very companies we trust. These large social networkshave created a friendly image promising toprovide a valuable

service to users for no other reason than altruism. But with our online presence and every click wemake, wecontinue to put more and more money into thepockets of these networks, with no entitlements or portion of the riches given to us. This is unfair as these corporations are making millions off of our data, which obviously doesn’t belong to them;it belongs to us.

On the other hand, they swear by their slogans that businesses could reach and engage with millions of targeted usersjust by throwing more money on fancy sponsored ads.But in reality, the reverse is the case.With over 4 Billion social media users viewing up to 4000annoying ads per day at an estimated cost of $10 million, you will be leftwonderingwhy 80% of those ads still fail to deliver any profit.

Think of the unnecessary emphasis placed on the number of impressions or pageviewsin a social media sponsored ad campaign, and you’llbegin to noticehow extremely difficult and expensive it can getfor businesses to create the right engagement needed to make sales.According to SocialMediaWeek’s 2018 State of Social survey, here are the metrics most businesses want to achieve with their social media campaigns:

While these social media companies boastof a rather large audience of monthlyusers, the unfortunate truth is that many businesses today are wasting precious capital, profits and funds attempting to reachusersin a way that doesn’t seem to work. The inefficiency of these methods strikes even much deeper and causes a plethora of problems, much bigger than simply lost profits and wasted efforts. The entire process undermines the nexus between consumers and businesses; it shows that consumers are less likely to respond to the constant barrage of unwanted advertisements while businesses are forced to increase prices to compensate for the loss of profits. This leads to higher ad costs and lesser and lesser user engagements.It is now clear that both parties gain nothing from the entire experience and businesses only further run the risk of alienating consumers with the higher price points needed to recoup the money wasted on advertising. The only party that has anything to gainare the social networksthemselves.

The PaidThru Exchange is an innovative social exchange networkwhere brands can connectand engage with consumersin a moreeffective way. The platformwill offer creativemarketing opportunities forcompanies seeking to build their brand presence by engaging the rightusers, while providing an organized system where paymentsand compensationsaremade securely.

Our missionis to ultimately revolutionizesocial media advertising by connecting brands toconsumers in aprofitableway. Through our exchange, brands can easily leveragethe strength and value provided by consumers through social media, for only a fraction of the normal adfees. We are creating an ecosystem of not just incentivized users and businesses, but a valuable organiccommunity of real interested consumersyearningto buildgainful lasting relationshipswith the brands they love.


The PaidThru Exchangeis ideally for active and interested social media users, brand influencers and businesses actively seekingcost-effective, yet efficient ways to grow their brands online. We are looking to create afair advantage for all PaidThru membersirrespective of status or disposition. Users may register as Individuals, Influencers, business brands or even Internet entrepreneurs. Since the PaidThru system is constantlyinterlinked,withall earned$PAID Tokenable to be reused for other business activities within the system,it wouldn’t be out of sort to find users operating as business brands on one sideand influencerson the other. That's the whole point; creatingan open, transparent and connected system.The PaidThru Ecosystem will bemade up of the following:


The PaidThru Exchange is open to entrepreneurs and businesses who are actively seeking creative ways to market their offers and grow their brands through social media. Through our Exchange, businesses can tap into a large funnel of engaged social media users who are interested in their product and service offers. With just one brand profile, a business can pull their promotional feeds from multiple social media networks, funnel it into their connected circle of interested consumers and sell their products and services directly through the exchange.

$PAID Token Distribution
3 Billion$PAID Tokens will be created and distributed during our ICO. Here are the rules that will guide the distribution of $PAID:




USERNAME : Badboster

ETH : 0xa189dB830FB8f21B0C93D2E4E8e7b5bf6799A00d PROFILE :;u=2120022