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RE: Forum monsters

in #tokenbb6 years ago

Topic: Make All Six Available Splinters Part of the Quest?

The following pulled from a steemit post I most recently wrote:

The Quest becomes a daily challenge onto itself, you play one other opponent at a time in a best of seven series (or even five with the same parameters). Yes, I said series, and I said up to as many as seven matches consecutively. This could possibly help in loading times for the matches in not needing to find an opponent, and it makes the series an in game match in itself. The reason for seven is simple-- Six splinters (including Dragon) and one "Wildcard Option" should there be a dramatic seventh match needed to break the tie at three.

Also in the quest option (my apologies for getting a little authoritarian on my recommendation but I like to have the entire reason and thought completed when going through creative exercises) should have three pools of players: Those that have not yet played/or have lost their first quest, those that have won all of their quests so far, and those that have lost two quest series' and are done with quest play for the day.

This may sound harsh and radical, but hear me out. The battle format would allow the player to have the option to play a daily quest in a checklist format of playing up to, possibly all six available splinters, once each time in each series with the exception of being able to use the wildcard option in game seven. So the leaning on of the same lineup could only happen up two times during the match, versus 100% of the daily quest which happens now. It also levels the playing field for those that actually care about completing their daily quest for not having to wait twenty or more matches to have their splinter line up with the meta lineup for that particular splinter. Plus as the match unfolds much more of the element of gamesmanship with each splinter counting down it would actually turn into a chess match so to speak as the game comes down to the wire.

Many of the same options of course could be included, I would go as far to say virtually of them such as the bonuses for cards, awarding winning streaks, ratings methods, and so on. But it also gets rid of the elephant in the room that encourages bot abuse, although it's not as rampant in appearances as it once was in that to place highly it has a lot more to do with the amount of matches played versus the frequency of winning. Yes, of course you have to win a decent amount of time to rank highly in the season play. This way to continue on in ranked play for the daily quest you get to take on all comers in a "Survival Pool" type of ongoing play format that is if you are fortunate enough to keep winning, the competition is getting fierce without question in that respect.

One more thought, I am pretty sure I heard this originally from @davemccoy, so I need to give him the credit where it is due because I loved the idea. At the start of each season before each player plays, they have to declare which level they will be playing the entire season under. From then on, the rest of the season that player's account will only be playing their chosen level until the season's completion.

That is the same sentiment in having a player declare each person within the competitive ecosystem could declare which level novice, bronze, silver, gold, diamond, champion and be grouped and classified how they are doing in the season, or even ranked that way at the end of play. Each player would then have option of how they think they would fair with their own interest in mind, and can make their own decision accordingly.

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