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RE: Forum palnet

in #tokenbb6 years ago

Topic: Hello World! - @DaniSciB

And PALnet Is Alive!

While researching and reading posts about the project and its relative pages I have come across this forum and I have come up with the idea of taking advantage and greeting.

I introduce myself:

My name is Daniel, I'm currently 19 years old and I'm a University Student in Psychology. I am fascinated by Business, Marketing, Philosophy, Economics and of course Psychology. I consider myself a pragmatist, a realist with common sense who respects freedom, someone who likes to learn and discuss.

My taste for learning and writing has led me to this type of platforms, where besides being able to carry out this hobby I have been able to obtain extra income, income that is useful considering the terrible economic situation of Venezuela.

Besides Studying and Blogging I also work as Freelancer as Translator and Writer.

In my blog you will find posts about Philosophy, social issues, news, Psychology and politics. I invite you to stop by and I invite you to leave your comment to meet you, it is always good to meet someone new.

Greetings and peace!

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