Category Nibbana:
Reality as it is, outside of our thoughts, words, experiences & consciousness. (freedom from suffering / nothing / the absolute)
Reality as it is, outside of our thoughts, words, experiences & consciousness. (freedom from suffering / nothing / the absolute)
Topic: Nibbana by @humanism
Reality as it is, outside of our thoughts, words, experiences & consciousness, also known as "Freedom from Suffering", "Perfect Happiness", "Nirvana", Nothing and the "Absolute".
~ @humanism (@chrisrice)
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Topic: Introduction to Nibbana
Nibbana (Pali), nirvana (Sanskrit), is the highest spiritual state and the ultimate goal of Buddhism.
The word nibbana comes from nir meaning ‘stop’ and và meaning ‘to blow.’ Thus Nibbana is the extinguishing or blowing out of the fires of greed, hatred and ignorance. Alternatively, it may come from nir plus vana meaning ‘desire’ and thus mean the ‘stopping of desire.’ When, as a result of practicing The Noble Eightfold Middle Path
ignorance and craving give way to knowledge and fulfilment, one attains Nibbana and at death is no longer subject to rebirth and all the suffering that entails.
Do you agree, disagree or have any questions?
~ @chrisrice
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Reply to Introduction to Nibbana
To many, different words have different meaning. Words show origin, shows culture, shows preferences and others, words also shows discriminations, shows isolation, it shows materialization of the thoughts.
Nirvana, is a state of mind, much like the heaven of Christianism. And we all knew this analogy so far right.
Nirvana is a goal, an objective, a mission. It gives us inner strenght to endure our existence. It is a loud voice within our soul that directs us back to the source. The source, where the first light came forth. The seed of creation itself.
This feeling is blocked by mundane task. It is ok. You and me are not exactly alike, our soul evolution, our soul time differs, our soul consciousness differs in many level. It is ok. Do not worry. Whatever status you are in now, whatever hardships or misfortunes, or whatever great accomplishments you are enjoying now, your goal and my goal is still the same, your soul is always knows what to do.
So what is the key to this state?
Again, words may confuse you, your feelings and status in life may distract you.
But dont be distracted, just stop for a moment. Be quiet and listen. Listen to what...? You start by staring at your garden, the sky, the rains, anything, just stop and look disenterestedly. Even just a minute, that precious 60 seconds, when you just stop.
the next stop that you will do, you will hear something.
You will hear your SELF.
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Topic: Is Nothing Real?
Based on what I tend to believe now, every-thing that exists (or at least my perception of what exists) is nothing more than my own thoughts, ideas & concepts being experienced in consciousness, and it is all happening (or seems to happen) in nothing (expressed in math as the number 0), and I have determined for myself from a 1st-person perspective that I am either nothing (expressed in math as the number 0), currently experiencing awareness as consciousness OR that it's impossible to know what I actually am other than knowing that I am not what I perceive my self & me to be.
In summary, I am not able to determine if nothing is the absolute reality or if that's just the closest I can get to the truth, but it is most likely useful to consider every-thing else (outside of nothing) as NOT the absolute reality, the truth or even real.
You can see the life that I live in the Philippines at, meet me at, or discuss philosophy with me at
~ @chrisrice
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Reply to Is Nothing Real?
Nothingness and realness are both duality. Duality is a perception common to us. And this duality should be surpassed by a true seeker of enlightenment.
Until all duality and singularity emphasized to exist, it will exist.
To see is not to look at it. By mere focusing on it, it manifest itself.
So, duality is a creation of our own ignorance.
Transcending this ignorance will lead to nirvana.
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