
Reply to Guruvaj asks: Number 1

To answer this question, we need to understand, or atleast explore various meanings of the following words.

  1. What is a conscious act?
  2. What is a sin?
  3. What is hell?
    Answers will be very varied from person to person, since every individual have different understanding of everything.

But still try.

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Reply to Guruvaj asks: Number 1

To answer this question, we need to understand, or atleast explore various meanings of the following words.

  1. What is a conscious act?
  2. What is a sin?
  3. What is hell?
    Answers will be very varied from person to person, since every individual have different understanding of everything.

But still try.

I will do some research about the words you are referring to and I'll discuss it with you here.

I can learn from our discussions much like your students learn from you in the classroom @guruvaj 😁🖐️

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