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RE: Forum monsters

in #tokenbb6 years ago (edited)


How about a Battle-Brags/Bad Beat Section.

A place for us to showcase our underdog Battles and brag about our tournament wins and also a place for us to vent about our most devastating and soul crushing losses.

Ex. Battle Brag (Beating an almost maxed SS team with a level 6 Lyanna Natura.

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Reply to BATTLE BRAGS/BAD BEAT Section ?

Your SOTF kept missing her Medusa, too. You'd have to have been dark at that.
Triple heal team, self healing Earth elemental up second to self heal, that's a solid team.
Great idea to have a bad beats/unlikely wins category. I've had a few knock my socks off, (in both directions) and wanted somewhere to share.
Good call.

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Reply to BATTLE BRAGS/BAD BEAT Section ?

User @mattclarke wrote at 30.05.2019 02:27:24 UTC:

Your SOTF kept missing her Medusa, too. You'd have to have been dark at that.
Triple heal team, self healing Earth elemental up second to self heal, that's a solid team.
Great idea to have a bad beats/unlikely wins category. I've had a few knock my socks off, (in both directions) and wanted somewhere to share.
Good call.

It was interesting watching that battle unfold in real time. I suspect a Bad Beat section could provide everyone with some good entertainment. I had a few head scratchers with under-powered teams giving me a proper whooping as well that would be fun to share.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

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