Topic: POPS vs REGULATORS [REGUL8] AKA mastermind vs small weenies
So the story begins when I typed to BRONCNUTZ also known as BRONCUNTZ to stop attacking a buddy of mine. The exact message was "attack X one more time".
Small pennis and insecurity that goes with it, low IQ and enormous body fat percentage took their toll on a poor guy and he "attacked" me with his multi-accounts.
I woke up and dodged last one
Then some pathetic low IQ attacks...
And then the big baby got into it
So lets have some fun
And then what? Sore losers begin to cry.
Nothing u can do but to take them head on and expect their low IQ to play a role... and it did.
Fuck him some more
And then just wipe the losers and farm them.
And many more... So what can low IQ do? Spend money and tell me I did too XD
Testing what he bought...
And fucking him
600 usd down the toilet (200 if he bought at exchange but you know... low IQ...)
So he spends 3.1k total XD
And fails all the time...
I just fucked his gang in the meantime
Time to get the cuntz guy XD
And some more
They attack XD
Now the twist... They know I still have army but they are dumb as fuck. So why not lose all of my army on someone else and let the imbeciles continue to attack me? XD
ok my bad XD but since it was a draw... where are my mercs? Yeah I lost them (logical) but it bugged out ingame xd
now sit back and enjoy them trying to get my army XD