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RE: Forum test

in #tokenbb6 years ago

Reply to Beneficiary Reward Split Discussion

@bryan-imhoff thanks for your in depth thoughts on this, I am hover just thinking of some edge cases where a forum may be for a small community or used as a bug hunt forum like ours, which won't have massive revenue flow, but may still want all of the features, in such a case the owner can pay for the features at anytime instead of having to bring in earnings.

It is also like "the chicken and the egg", a forum needs good features such as more flexible beneficiary options to draw the crowd, and the plan model makes most sense for this. We live in an instant gratification society whereby users want to access features today and not wait to earn them.

Another consideration is what happens when the forum hits the target volume for the extra features, but later dies down in popularity, would they lose their extra features?

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