Reply to Improve UI color-sheme
I gave everyone the opportunity to get involved in structuring and planning this forum in my post and even created a forum planning channel in Steem Devs Slack, very few people engaged and gave input so we went ahead and did it as best as we could and approved the artwork ourselves. As I said we have so much to do to improve this forum including mobile responsiveness, the Ui isn't that bad looking alot of people have said they like it so before we expend more resources on the design we would love to get consensus first from a few more forum users on what they would like to see, some might have other ideas besides going with a theme like Battlenet.
We are not ignoring improvements on the theme, this forum is currently in stealth launch mode and we are taking valued feedback like yours and will see what we can do.
@therealwolf your colour suggestion looks nice, thanks for that screenshot, will see if we get internal consensus to get that amended.
BTW everyone will benefit from this forum not only us, we will be rolling out beneficiary rewards for topic creators likely 5%/5%.