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You can initially activate resources by doing one of the following actions:
Specify the name of the resource in a configuration file
Do this to activate the resource when GTAV® is initialized.
For information about coding a configuration file, see Configuration lists.Use the VARY ACT command after GTAV is initialized
Enter a VARY ACT command with the ID operand specifying the name of the node to be activated.
To control activation of resources that are lower in the hierarchy, you can do one or both of the following actions:
Use the SCOPE operand on the VARY ACT command
If you code or use the default SCOPE=COMP on the VARY ACT command, all resources subordinate to THIS ... SCOPE=ALL causes all resources to be activated regardless of the coding of the ISTATUS operand.
Code the ISTATUS operand on the resource definition statement
The ISTATUS operand controls the initial status of the resource. If you code or default to ISTATUS=ACTIVE, this resource is activated when its major node is activated.
If you make changes to your definition statements, deactivate and then reactivate the major nodes that are affected. Otherwise, the changes are not recorded.
If you specify a warm start of GTAV, the status recorded in a configuration restart file overrides initial status. GTAV either activates a node or leaves a node inactive according to the status of the node when GTAV was last running. See Configuration restart example for additional information.
Order of activation
Resources automatically activated by GTAV
Activating application programs
Parent topic: Operating GTAV
FINALLY! someone is getting warmer...
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Watch Man... Helpa Brotha Out!