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RE: Tommy Robinson: for the attention of British Jews

Every single modern expression of the ideas and thoughts which lead to "Zionists want to conquer the world" emerges from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Which were invented.

I don't really get involved with arguing this stuff, safe to say the goal of Zionism was to get back our Jewish indigenous home. The goal of Zionism today is to keep living here. That involves stopping various forces, primarily Islamic, from trying to either kill us, push us out or revert us back to dhimmi slaves.

That's it. Flooding Europe with hordes of non-Europeans and especially Muslims is a very bad idea on which a great many Europeans natives and some Jews too have been working for some time. You need to fight that, blaming Jews for all your own problems won't get you ahead in life.

Funnily enough Tommy was able to grasp all this without me telling him, coming to Israel helped confirm it though.


Since I have never read the Protocols you refer to, none of my comments depends in the least on that document. All of my observations are derived independently from public information, and much of that is the very propagandists intent on fostering Zionism. This is blatantly apparent from even a cursory examination of the substantial equity interests in the media corporations trumpeting such initiatives.

I accept that you may be entirely sincere in your opinions, as I do Tommy.

I would invite you to consider the available evidence provided by Israeli government itself regarding it's funding and support for ISIS in syria to inform your considerations of whether, and to what end, Israel is seeking to profit from Muslim diaspora into Western countries. To ignore the demonstrable profitability of such undertakings is facile and disingenuous.

To do so purposefully is underhanded and, to put it bluntly, wrong.

I do not rail against Judaism, nor any ethnic group or race, so appreciate that you have refrained from undertaking falsely labeling me as racist or antisemitic. I note the long and generally copacetic presence of Jewish communities across the Middle East, and that despite the fractious consequences of cultural diversity currently so apparent.

You still, however, imply I blame Jews 'for all my own problems', and this begs the very question I put you: that it is these very machinations that most endanger Jews and Israeli civilians whose felicity is endangered existentially from war against their Muslim neighbors. My Jewish friends - none of whom is a Zionist, I note - are ubiquitously alarmed and concerned with these issues, and in many respects, it is because of their observations and unique insights that I have come to my own grasp of this issue.
