Tony Podesta has not been arrested publicly yet, John Podesta Still At Large... #PizzaGate

Video Summary:
I wanted to go over the evidence regarding the rumors that Tony Podesta had been arrested, and same for John Podesta, as the rumors abound today. Unfortunately according to public records there has not been arrest issued for either, and I saw John Podesta speaking at a conference yesterday.
I coughed up the $20 bucks to get the full background report for Anthony T Podesta age 74. No other "journalist" who has covered this could be bothered to do so. Please upvote this on steemit, or join my patreon group to help reimburse me for this investigative journalism. Likely YouTube has or will demonetize this video so only through your support will I be able to do this type of reporting.
Relevant Parts of the Report:
I also go over some other topics, like a debate for tomorrow night regarding the influence of Google and Facebook, how Apple got out of paying the illegal taxation to the IRS, seems the Federal Reserve Mafia is only interested in stealing money from the American People and small businesses whilst the big companies receive endless corporate welfare and never pay the taxes. Yes TAXATION IS THEFT, but the big companies that run America are left out of this, while average people pay for everything.
Also "Your News Wire" is total bullshit, along with "Neon Nettle", they are complete disinformation websites.
Tony Podesta not arrested info:
Flight Path I want confirmed: ~~~ embed:927677713825107970 twitter metadata:ZGpicm9hZHdheWpvZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9kamJyb2Fkd2F5am9lL3N0YXR1cy85Mjc2Nzc3MTM4MjUxMDc5NzB8 ~~~
AK's tweet with article about school cameras in bathrooms:
If Tony Podesta's indictment is sealed then this person was right, but I cannot verify what is sealed so: ~~~ embed:927742270488694785 twitter metadata:QWx3YXlzSW50ZWdyaXR5fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0Fsd2F5c0ludGVncml0eS9zdGF0dXMvOTI3NzQyMjcwNDg4Njk0Nzg1fA== ~~~
Gonz's tweet about Apple not paying taxes:
BayleeB79 catching ABC news reporting on the Church Shooting a day early: ~~~ embed:927742839144026112 twitter metadata:QmF5bGVlQjc5fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0JheWxlZUI3OS9zdGF0dXMvOTI3NzQyODM5MTQ0MDI2MTEyfA== ~~~
The hacker interview:
The debates on Qallout:
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Speaking of Apple..
Wow, interesting find! Def tweeting this one out. Thanks!
Great works, I wish you success
Thank you and same to you.