Why I'll Only Lose My Virginity To Tony Robbins For £21M...

in #tonyrobbins6 years ago


Sometimes I wonder if my titles are too clickbaity..

I've always said to myself that when I choose who to invest my time into, I'd have to trust them 100 per cent. I believe the gifts I have, must absolutely be used for the highest good. I've chosen Tony Robbins because his track record speaks for itself. He's like a modern day Marcus Auraelius breathed into life. I've been an admirer for years. One of my favourite YouTube videos of him telling a story about a filmaker. This is a gem if you haven't come across it.

Some of you might ask if I've ever been to one of his shows. The answer is no.

And I've absolutely no desire to.


The answer to this question is the other reason I would only want to lose my virginity to Tony Robbins.

He's so out of alignment it's painful to watch. If anyone ever needed some healing- it's this guy. If you can imagine, the way I view the world I often see people as energy patterns or listen to them as musical notes. Recently a friend showed me a clip of him being interviewed by Russell Brand. It was so painful to me that I had to ask him to turn it off. Literally like hearing nails down a blackboard. His vibration was screeching.

Tony Robbins is about 10 per cent (ok, maybe 25) of where he could be. Being an Empath I can see all of his blocks and old patterning. Tony Robbins is one of the best liars ever! He's so good that he doesn't even know he's doing it. He's managed to condition his mind to the extent that he genuinely doesn't know how he's feeling. He's completely inauthentic. I hope this demonstrates that being out of alignment has no bearing on whether I like someone or not. I genuinely believe that if he worked with me, I could make the first part of his career and the impact he's had look like a speck of dust. I want to help facilitate that he becomes a giant. More successful and wealthier than Elon Musk. (Not cuter though.)

If Tony allowed me to help retune him and I shared with him some of the secrets to manifestation within the simulation, he'd become far wealthier and be much closer to achieving his potential.

Obviously I'm not going to publicly talk about everything I see. (People need their privacy! I don't think I'm sharing too much that would be outside of his comfort zone.) Just to give you an example though of a deep rooted pattern he has that he seems to be completely unconscious of. I'll also share with you how this registers with me, so you can understand how I experience things as an Empath.

There are two childhood patterns that are currently holding him back. This will be affecting him in other areas in his life and he'll be making wrong choices and pushing opportunities away. I hope I can bring healing and insight to this. Even if Tony decides he doesn't want to work with me, I hope this information and my suggestions will help to empower him.

Pattern 1

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There is a certain type of woman that really triggers Tony. She reminds him of his mother. When he encounters her he goes into 'high alert unconscious mode'. The woman is intelligent and what some might consider 'ballsy'. As has been documented Tony's Mum had addiction issues and could become violent. All of these women are ghosts of his mother- though at this point I want to make clear that these women look like they might have gotten rowdy with a lover after a few glasses of wine. They certainly don't present as dangerous addicts. I would be more than happy to have either of these women babysit my kids! They look like great fun and highly compassionate people.

When Tony interracts with these type of of women, he experiences extreme terror on an unconscious level and a switch is flicked. In both of these instances I can feel his pain. It's as if someone gives me a slight electric shock. Tony goes straight into survival mode. He is overly macho, he needs to dominate and do it QUICKLY. He needs to SHOCK and DISRUPT their pattern of thinking. Once his mother got into a certain mood and said certain things, Tony only had a matter of seconds to bring her out of it before she started to attack him. Sometimes there was no warning at all.

On the surface Tony appears to be calm. This is a facade. Inside he is panicking. He doesn't feel safe until he knows exactly where their hands are. HANDS, HANDS, HANDS. He must know where her hands are. The unhealed version of Tony has to have control of his mother's hands. Once her hands are mind are occupied with something else he can calm down again.

This often results in inappropriate and harsh seeming behaviour. I noticed it first in his documentary 'I Am Not Your Guru'. The ghost of Tony's Mother appears. For me I experience and feel the flashes of terror and pain. (On a much lesser level). Tony is replaying the unhealed trauma with his mother. He feels as protective of the audience as he does with his smaller siblings. Women talking about themselves as victims, or without their own power are frightening to Tony. Rightfully so. Tony only narrowly escaped with his life from a woman who loved to play the victim. The shadow side of people who perceive themselves as victims can often be highly manipulative and occasionally dangerous. Jon Ronson who wrote 'The Psychopath Test', mentioned that one the experts had noted that when interviewing some of the most dangerous psychopaths in prison, these men absolutely perceived themselves as innocent victims.


However, because of Tony's unhealed trauma he is replaying these scenes with innocent women. Most notably with a woman who stood-up to correct some of his statements regarding the MeToo Campaign. Again, I experience his pain and terror. Tony behaves in a most inappropriate way. Even I was angry about it when I first saw it, now I just have to come forward and speak up. The ghost of Tony's mother appears again. Tony is appealing to his mother. This has nothing to do with the MeToo Campaign. He quickly has to disrupt her thinking patterns, then distract her and he must have full control over her hands. This time he feels so threatened he has to demonstrate an exercise with her hands in full view. It is completely inappropriate for the subject and situation. This time it resulted in full media coverage and crticism. I adore Tony and feel I have a responsibilty to come forward with the 'why'. He behaved like that because he was trying to protect his siblings (- the audience,) from his mother. (The completely innocent audience member in this case.) His comments about the MeToo Campaign were inappropriate, however once you understand that this is what he had to do in order to stop his mother from killing him.

When we look at the situation from a lens of healing and compassion, we can quickly catch the ghosts.

Pattern 2

Tony's most harrowing moment actually has nothing to do with his mother. The thing he really cannot forgive himself for is opening the door to accept a Thanksgiving Charity Package. He's gone to great lengths to cover it up, even starting a charity that gives out Thanksgiving Dinners.

When I see these things, they're registering with me on a whole other level. I can FEEL it. Tony might not be consciously aware of this at all. All the damage is still there at a cellular level. Your DNA and cellular memory is much stronger than your mind. Tony has over conditioned his mind so that he doesn't have to feel the pain. However, part of becoming a whole man means going through it, not around it. He has intellectually processed it, but it hasn't been healed. Tony can be great at feeling compassion for others. To feel safe enough to now be able to grieve for himself is the next step forward for him.


Pattern 3

Tony talks as a means of protection and defence. It's to cover- up unhealed issues and he does a great job of distracting himself and others from what is really going on. He's running on so many old operating systems. Once he's healed at a cellular level (which is what I'd spend a year working on with him,) he'll be 100 per cent more powerful. With his influence he'd be able to help so many more people.


There is a lot more that I'd only disclose in person. I also want to work with Kanye. I'd only be willing to take both as a package. I have no wish to comment publicly on anything regarding Kanye. (Except to say I'm a big fan of his wife! ) My price would be £21 million for the two. My recommendation would be that they each pay £10.5 million. I would make sure that I would repay that within two months- or their money back. Obviously I'd go through terms and conditions. As a precaution I would put in a minimum of $50 million net each, that I'd make sure they'd earn for the first year from working with me. However, it is likely to be considerably more.

I genuinely hope that Tony will consider taking a private meeting with me. As Al Gore has mentioned humanity is expecting up to a billion climate change refugees this century. According to the Mckinsey Global Institute we're also facing the loss of a fifth of the workforce due to AI. We need to take massive action now in order to prepare people. We've already hit two icebergs. The good news is that the people on the Titanic didn't perish because of the iceberg, but because of the inertia and systematic failings of the crew and others. We're living in a time where worst case scenario, we could be witnessing the deaths of hundreds of millions of children this century. It's better to put a hardcore contingency plan in place than it is to gamble with their lives. That is the main reason I would like to meet with him.