Top Ten Popular Dance Moves

in #top107 years ago

Another Nandohill(from Nigeria) article. I am hiring him through fiverr in an attempt to lure him and other writers to steemit.
A friend once asked why I enjoyed partying and clubbing. He probably has an idea I couldn’t dance and maybe I am not really the social person for such locations. He was surprised I told him I love the parties and clubs for the dance moves. Durghh… If you are not the dance freaked, you may not know what fun we derive from it. The logic is you necessarily do not have to be a dancer, you only have to enjoy the moves. Nothing could be so amusing and interesting than watching people shake the bums and the body though. You are the best if you could do the dance too. Of all the dance steps I have however watched and seen globally, nothing can be compared to these ten. Trust me, nothing!
Can someone reading this do the moonwalk for me? Mehn… I love this. It is just the undaunted best. Nothing more to say about it. You need to see Michael Jackson defying gravity with this move to know what I mean. It is just the signature move for this. Oh, Jackson, can you come back? The way you literally almost glide was amazing, and you keep keeping the moonwalk untouched and ‘unshifted’ from the top spot.
Crotch Grab
Where are the kings of pop to give us some sample? Yes, it is not bad seeing the king of pop doing this. Just match this move with the cries of “YOW!” You would only enjoy this if you know what I mean. Just the dance move for the kings of pop.
You know why this is interesting? Just a few people can mimic the distinctive motion of a robot and that makes the ones that could do that great to watch. You might fall in love with this watching someone do this to the soul train beats. You can’t look stupid doing this even if you are not born to dance. You may ironically be adding to the moves. Michael Jackson rocked this too.
Anti-Gravity Lean
Just the meaning of its name. You tend to lean on gravity. This move can put another dance move to shame when done so perfectly. It is also awesome in the legs and body of the king of pop Michael Jackson. The move can create jaw-dropping illusions to show a man leaning beyond his center of gravity. This is just eye-popping!
Chuck Berry’s greatest by far. You may be hiding wrinkles with this move. Just awesome to watch and do.
Don’t think I could have much more fun with the move on a cold night with glasses of beer in hand. I might have to roll on the couch as I watch the fun and get amused. It is probably the best gymnastic dance move I have seen. Maybe quite hard at first but once the dancers get into it, just relax and have a really fun time watching. Its pain awesome but might be difficult to learn. I once tried and it really hurt. I don’t think I have ever watched Michael Jackson do this.
Might be simple to the ears but not that simple. It is a spectacular move and could be a total show stopper if the dancers do it right. I just hope I could do this as much as I watch people do them.
I am not too sure of its origin but I watch British do it most. It isn’t really a dance move but a famous trend because it is easy to do and awesome to watch. I love to watch kids do the dab most. So many songs could match the move and so many people to do the move. As whack as I could think of myself as a dancer, I do the dab just conveniently. It might just be the next big dance. Okay… Two days for my readers!
Axl Rose’s Snake dance
Have you seen this before? Poop and pee would make it better. I saw a hundred years old man do it and cried it would ruin his life that day. Ironically though. That’s to say what fun you could have done this. How much more watching the move that requires energy.
Seeing people step up to do this is just really incredible. You must love this in a battle of Gwai. Not the best to try for starters. I love to watch people do it go right round. Cool move but requires so much upper body strength. Some people would do the 360 spin relentlessly to amuse you. Oh no… It’s not but it is amusing to watch.
Which of these is most amusing to watch for you? Drop your comments below…
