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RE: Top 5 horror games

in #top58 years ago

Outlast #1? No waaaaay BOOOOO!! Outlast gets so boring during the second half. It's also waaay to reliant on jump scares to be considered a truly well made horror game.

Amnesia? Ye sure, that deserves it's spot. Dead Space is ok too, Silent Hill 2 might be #1 according to some people, and honestly I would not argue with them. P.T. wasn't a there's that :D

I would put RE4 just because of the importance of that game, or maybe RE7. What a surprise that was, it had no right to be that good. :D

You know what though, P.T. was so good, that it might actually warrant an exception.

Anyways, great my post my dude. Keep it up!


Yea! nr.1! Because of that first half! im almost f*ck my panties when i play it....

Regarding Amnesia, I wonder whether to put her in the first place, but you see my decision above;)

RE4 or 7 was not a horror game, but a shooter.

P.T. was a playable teaser for the future video game.As I wrote in the Konami and Kojima study articles, they did not agree, so the whole development was canceled.. :(

Thank you for those satisfying words, I appreciate them! I will no worries. ;)