The Top 5 Tips to have a Happier Monday!

in #top59 years ago


Monday got you down? Well cheer up! I’ve got 5 of my top tips to help you tackle Monday like the amazing, go-getting professional you are!

Top tip #1

Listen to your mama and sit up straight! Not only does cause you to benefit from the health perks of perfect posture ( it instantly slims you down and helps strengthen your core ) but it provides natural energy causing more productivity.

Top Tip #2

Handle the days toughest tasks first. Procrastinating causes unnecessary stress, taking care of them gives a boost of relieved energy!

Top Tip #3

Get outside! No one likes being cooped up in the office under the unforgiving florescent lights all day! Take a stroll around the block or to your local coffee spot if it’s close enough. Getting some physical activity during the work day helps with mood, focus and retention of information.

Top Tip #4

Make Monday fun! Who says you can’t enjoy a nice lunch date, post day drink, or better yet a yummy morning sweet? Contrary to popular belief the world does not revolve around the work week, and neither should you! So consider making Monday your Friday for a change.

Top Tip #5

If you’ve read my previous articles, then you know very well just how much I push the value of appearance in the workplace. When we look good, we feel good. We are nicer to others, and others in turn are intrigued by the breath of fresh air they just encountered at the start of the week. Be the light and energy that makes others have a better day. Show and share your spirit, charisma and vibe and make yourself magnetic. And that can only benefit your business. 


Great tips and sound advice.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed :) I'll be giving more each week :)