Hey guys, what's up? Seems like Steem and SBD are still trying to go up. Well, you have all my permission to go up as much as you like Steem and SBD 😁. Anyway, time's over guys! Yeah, time's over, back to school from tomorrow.
You know, the holiday season just started on the Monday before the last. And now it's already over?! Yeah, that's right, it's already over. We were given the holidays because of the New Year season. You know, we've got a lot to do before and after the new year so we are given a two week holiday season in April.
Well, tbh, I'm also happy and sad about that.In the holiday season, I was on the computer the whole day. And you know, since me and sis share the same laptop so it's too much boring to wait till she finishes her work. And the worst thing is, she spends hours thinking what to post and when she catches a topic, she writes for more hours. It's really boiling my blood to wait till she finishes her work. So I'm happy that I no more have to wait till she finishes her work because I'm going to be with my friends again. You know, what is more enjoyable than hanging out with your peers, right? Yeey, it's time to meet my friends again.
And what I'm sad about is that I'm gonna miss my time with you guys. I was online almost the whole day the last two weeks and now, I won't be able to spend time like that till August, the Summer holiday season. You know, our project the TOS community just started to power up and I'm gonna miss so much fun with my foreign friends. And also, I'll have to wake up at 4.00AM every morning! I woke up at about 8.30 AM the last two weeks and now I'll have to wake hours before? That's some kinda thing which makes me don't want to go to school. Honestly, waking up at 5.00 AM is enough but you know, I'll have to keep my studies up too.
Those are the main reasons why I like going to school and why it makes me lazy going to school. And I shouldn't forget to tell you these things.
Steemit is the main thing that kept me lively in the past two weeks. If it wasn't for steemit, then I'll be sleeping in the bed the whole day. And I'm too happy that the TOS community is growing bigger and we are having so much support from the non-teens too. During the time I spent on Steemit, I got to know a lot of teenagers and a lot of non-teens from around the world. Sorry friends but the train is coming and I have to get on. But I promise that I'll stop here when I have free time.
I spent all the day completing my notebooks. As you may know, I'm not a big fan of completing and maintaining my notebooks. The one and only book which is maintained well is my Japanese book cuz it's my favorite subject. My hand was hurting so much completing the blank pages since I didn't write anything at all in the past days. I still got a big detective task finding my pens and pencils 🧐 lol (that's how much tidy I am) 😁
Do you know what I meant by TOS above?
The name TOS stands for Teens On Steem.
This is a community created by @mashiliyange, @justaboutart and me to help the teen bloggers on Steemit. As we've announced before, we also created the #tos tag for teen posts. So it can be used only by teen steemans and when posting about teenage and teen stuff or the TOS community. So please make sure that you are only using this tag for teen related posts. Any teenager is welcome to use the #tos tag.
Join our TOS server on Discord here.
I hope you had a good day at school with your friends! Come visit steemit when you can, but school work comes first. :)
School is our first priority and responsibility little girl @chamudiliyanage. Just take a look at Steemit when we have time.
Yeah, it was so much fun and I'll visit Steemit when I have time ^^
Do your classmates also know steemit?
No, I haven't told them yet
Well that's kind of a bummer :(. School cool and all, but i'll be on my summer break, pretty much the entire time you're at school. Anyways, i'll try to catch you when you get on from time to time. Good luck!
Yeah, thanks @iamturtless
How could you talk about me like that? You're the one who writing for hours and keep asking me a not lame topic for your post :P
Haha sorry sis but that's the truth :P