Last week, my firend and his family got uo earlier than usaul, they went to Bauchi, a state in Nigeria at the Yankari National Park.
According to my friend, he said it was a long journey. They flew to Jos, rented a car and drove to the park. When they finally got there, it was late. They ate and slept in one of the dmall huts in the big park.
On the next morning, they went to see some animals with the help of a guide. They stood and watched from a big jeep with other visitors. It was too dangerous to go nearer the animals...
My friend said he saw some Elephant by the river bank and some crocodiles in the rivers too.
During their tour, my friend saw warthogs, hippos, baboons, and ostriches from the jeep. Then the guide showed them some rocks to climb safely.
From high up they could see more clearly across the whole park. The park was enormous and my friend could see a li on chasing a giraffe. The giraffe was running more quickly so the lion couldn't catch it.
My friend said some of the rocks had big holes inside them. They walked into one hole.
The guide also showed them a cave and my friend swam with his mother in a beautiful pool near a waterfall...
It was really a nice experience for my friend....
I wantu go tooo
No problem...
It is a nice place to be