The smell of coffee at the foot of Mount Halimon (Bilingual)

in #tours7 years ago (edited)


This trip "meet the feeling" is hidden at the foot of Mount Halimon, precisely in Gampong Blang Dhod Tangse. As a coffee connoisseur accustomed to the arabica Gayo and robusta made in Ulee Kareng, the presence of Tangse Liberica Coffee packaging products tempts me.

Perjalanan kali ini “menemui rasa” yang tersembunyi di kaki Gunung Halimon, tepatnya di Gampong Blang Dhod Tangse. Sebagai penikmat kopi yang terbiasa dengan arabika Gayo dan robusta made in Ulee Kareng, kehadiran produk kemasan Kopi Liberika Tangse menggoda saya.

Upon arrival at the shop we were greeted directly by the owner of roasting tangse coffee and we were seated.

Setiba dipintu toko kami disambut langsung oleh pemilik roasting kopi tangse dan kami pun dipersilahkan duduk.

We also can not wait to "sip" coffee brewed directly by the owner of tangse coffee roasting. Flavored coffee flavored fragrant and sweet jackfruit flavor with spoiled tempting flavor rooms. This is coffe Tangse or Coffe Liberika, a rare species still remaining in the Tangse plateau.

Kami pun tidak sabaran “menyeruput” kopi yang diseduh langsung oleh pemilik roasting kopi tangse. Terasa aliran kopi rasa buah nangka yang wangi dan manis dengan manja menggoda kamar-kamar rasa. Inilah Kopi Panah Tangse atau Kopi Liberika, spesies langka yang masih tersisa di dataran tinggi Tangse.

Interestingly, this Liberika coffee is produced by BUMG Gampong Blang Dhod. In the hands of young people this village coffee device that used to be just a coffee beans traded, formulated since dry coffee sorting, roasting until packed and served in a cup of coffee. The process is still simple and manual, but for now the resulting flavor is quite a new alternative to the sense of Aceh coffee.

Menariknya, kopi Liberika ini diproduksi oleh BUMG Gampong Blang Dhod. Ditangan-tangan anak-anak muda perangkat desa ini kopi yang dulunya hanya sekedar biji kopi diperjualbelikan, diracik sejak pemilahan kopi kering, roasting sampai dikemas dan disuguhi dalam secangkir kopi. Prosesnya masih sederhana dan manual, tapi untuk saat ini citarasa yang dihasilkan cukup menjadi alternatif baru rasa kopi Aceh.

It was Liberika, coffee with a wonderfully fragrant aroma from the tangse mountains.

Itu adalah Liberika, kopi dengan aroma harum dan sangat nikmat dari pegunungan tangse.

So if coffee lovers friends please come assure satisfied.

So if coffee lovers friends please come assure satisfied.

Demikian postingan singkat ini.

Salam hangat untuk Guru, dan Motivator saya

Thanks for visiting and interesting comments->


Hi @nazarkhadi, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I found out that @wiralhokswumawe doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?

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I typo, thanks for the information

And I will fix it. Thanks