To vegan or Not to Vegan?
Morality is what differs proper from improper intention/ decisions / actions.
Living life Humanely instead would be no need to take into consideration each ones morals. Being sensible at every giving moment will able us all to live in harmony, and peacefully. At the time being I see no difference between eating fish, dog, cat, snakes, another human, a cow, etc.
Humans are animals, and all animals are living beings. Every single living being is in a life's journey. Don't see right or wrong about being vegan or not to vegan.
All I know is from my personal experience, at the moment I began living life humanely, eating meat is not an option!
I high recommend everyone to dig deeper in how to live life humanely.
Health is a very complex subject and is influenced by a few factors, such as: where and with who do you live; climate; your body constitution; your mindset; your diet; your level of awareness; your connection with prana (life force), etc
Focusing on the question asked: I am aware of population who live in extreme weather conditions and have very little options so I would strongly advice to explore all the other factors that influence your health and leave your diet for last. When you have a clear understanding of how the environment that surrounds you effects you, then explore what is seasonal and local whole fresh foods, be in sink with nature.
Plant base diet, sattvic it nourishes my all being, but we are all different and each ones diet will be different.
Environment is affected with everyone's daily choices.
Local, seasonal, growing our own food, permaculture, biodynamic, communities, sharing, exchanging, living with nature instead of against are all solutions to reverse the huge imbalance we are causing.
Economy is a delusion, the famous Pyramid.
Society is modern slavery.
Mass are programmed to study, then get a job, a house, a car, a tv, and have children! You get bombarde with information mainly negative from the media! Most of your wages will be to pay bills, house, car, insurances, clothing, medical care, food, and with luck you get to save some of that so called money! We get loans and credit cards to purchase our material desires, and bla bla bla. Is power power power and power so called quality of life… Is that it? When depression, confusion, conflict, fears, anxieties, health problems are taking over.
Wisdom, connection, getting to know your own being, the basics of life are dismissed.
I am slowly moving towards a off grid lifestyle, living auto sustainably, in communities where I hope money is not a thing but instead exchange, share, wisdom, love, compassion are the key components to live in sink with life.
love light and blessings.Thank you so much @kennyskitchen, for the opportunity to speak out and share with you all. Cannot wait to read all entries.