I got a lockout set! I'm so tickled!

in #towinglast month


We have the last time I worked here boss man gave me a lockout set! I was super excited about that.

I actually still have most of it. And now I just got a brand new one. I'm definitely going to upgrade however... Until then I am so tickled that I've got my own!

Absolutely the best thing ever. I'm super excited.

Work has been going very good and I've been definitely doing really well. I've continued to enjoy what I've got.

Also that really nice paycheck showed up so we're going to continue enjoying things. And the more that we continue to enjoy it more that we continue to make enough money that we're going to be able to afford our land deal. Soon as that happens that means that we're going to have land and we're going to have our own tiny home spot.

So this is definitely really excited!

Puppy dog really doesn't like me working 6 days a week however he does get ran before and after work.

We are now back staying in the room in the back of the office. It's 60° in the office and that's just fine for us. Seriously it could be way worse as it's freezing out there right now. So really really really excited.

Working with all the intensity is absolutely taking the toll and I am really tired about ready fall over every night.

I am absolutely tickled and so is Mr fluffy butt.

Have a great day! Tomorrow is coming quickly


I am not trivalizing your experience at work but feeling tired at the end of a day is a geeat trade for making progress. Congratulations.

You have cheered Me up!!! Glad it's going well!!!!

Yep so am I! I am absolutely tickled