She did exactly what you said

in #toxic4 years ago


In a world full of so much toxicity, what do you do when you are on the verge of losing your mind, due to loneliness and confusion.

I have heard numerous suggestions about how to deal with a toxic day, but most times, it doesn’t go well.

I am aware that people teach or mentor based on their personal experiences which is not fair.

I’ll tell you why.

But first, how can you be in a world, where there are different shades of people and you expect one technique or one formula to work for all? Or better still, you expect everyone to use the same technique and get the same result.

That has proven abortive over the years and we have failed to see it.

This is the reason why I said, using the same experience to get the same result for everyone won’t work.

  • We are at different levels of mental health. Yes, our mindsets are in different stages and levels. Therefore, the way one information could be useful to one, the same information may not be useful to another because mindset differs. You wouldn’t blame the latter.

  • We hail from different backgrounds. Right here, understanding is key. A person could not see any wrong with having to deal with two or more boyfriends. Am I saying this is the right thing to do, regardless of backgrounds? No! All there is to it is, tackling the foundation and knowing what to do based on her background. If there is a need to build a mindset, that would be the best thing to do in the second place.

  • Religion. I won’t talk much here. Religion has a larger effect on us when it comes to what we do, say and practice. The core of this is to hold firm to what you know. When you need to upgrade, then you move. This comes with intentionality.

  • Environment. Where you grew up matters a lot. Your relationship, career e.t.c. is affected by the environment. It takes a higher mindset to stand firm away from your surroundings.

Hence, if all these are taken into consideration, no one will lure people into what they think is right. Most people try to use the Bible which is good. But the point is, don’t show them, make them search and find for themselves.

Self-discovery is the best medicine to avoid any form of toxicity.

A toxic day

A toxic relationship

A toxic career

A toxic financial state

A toxic job.

I hope with these few points of mine, I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you that self-discovery is better than the world’s discovery of you.

While growing up as a teenager, I used to act like I would be a teenager all my life. I mean, I thought I would never grow up to take up some keen responsibilities.

As a teenager, I would solely depend on everyone around me, especially my parents. In other words, I didn't make decisions on my own. Or better still, I didn't know how to make decisions all by myself.

Depending on everyone made me lack self-confidence. I didn't believe in myself. I didn't believe I could make sensible decisions that could turn my life around. They were investment I could have made on myself that would have yielded fruit today. I didn't come across words like personal development, so I didn't strive for growth. My life revolved around coming out with good grades and going further in my education.

How I wish I could turn back the hands of time, I know I would have done extremely well on my personality and growth.

I am writing to someone today. I don't know who that person is. But whoever you are, I want to let you know your self-confidence is your beauty.

This concerns both the man and the woman.

It's time to learn how to make decisions to get productive results. Results gotten yields self-confidence. How would you build self-confidence, if you don't make up your mind to take decisions?

You might ask yourself, what kind of decision do I need to make today.

Well, I know someone has the responsibility to decide his/her personal growth.

I know someone also has the responsibility to decide on handling official responsibilities, or social responsibilities regardless of whoever ought to do it. Just to make things right.

The ball is in your court.

You might be loved and cared for by everyone around you. But when they are absent what would you do.

Learn to make decisions today that will build your self-confidence. You never know what results in you would achieve.

Be the ruler of your kingdom and be the captain of your ship. It might look risky, but don't you ever be afraid of taking risk except you would love to forever move in circles.

First published on 👇