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RE: A New Kind of Toxic

in #toxic7 years ago

There is nothing wrong with seeking your inner peace, and I do not think that is what kyriacos is saying. But to run around and ignore the Truth of what is going on saying don't worry be happy, is not going to nor has it ever solved a single damn thing in the world. It can and may help an individual, but it is not going to solve anything worldwide.

it spreads to those around you. of course it is a slow process, unless they become mindful of it and do the work consciously.

It is not a slow process, wake up it is a Non-Process. It does and serves nothing to solve the issue of the world. Unless your idea of a slow process is a time scale on the geological scale. In 50 years not one damn thing has been solved by a bunch of namaste hippies sitting around in berkeley on world scale.


just because the bad people speak louder doesn't mean things aren't changing.

they are screaming louder because they are losing their grip, people are waking up.

as an awakened person i'd never hurt another human being out of spite, anger, or jealousy. what i would do is stop another from doing so. but since my change of heart, this kind of thing rarely happens around me. i see almost no violence in my life.

we all create the world we live in, jointly we could create a peaceful paradise.