I liked it a lot ... this type of people was one of the reasons (not the only one) for which I personally closed my Facebook account a while ago completely ... and also I do not socialize too much in Germany like before any more when I am here. Honestly it's disgusting! Everyone is like this here now. Because of the way that we are going, the first word in which I do not believe at the moment is "Democracy" ... and the second word will be "Love". You hit the nail in a total way this time (from my point of view).
Edit: And yes, I know we disagree some time before but .... good for the freedom to comment on Steemit.
Yeah, Germany has become a social justice/positive thinking parade. Every western country more or less that is drowning in prosperity has its head so far up its ass, it loses contact with reality.
Found this on yourbias.is web ... many of the bias are related with the the kind of toxic person you are talking about.
The fundamental misconception of social justice warriors, politically correct people etc. is that we are all the same. Yes we are all the same the day we are born but between our birth and our 30 year of life our Families, Cultures, Religions, Nations, Laws and Constitutions socialize us to become a certain way. A 30 year old German is not the same as a 30 year old Pashtun from a remote village in Afghanistan. A 30 year old Jamaican is not the same to a 30 year old Texan. Hell even a Texan is not the same as a New Yorker and they are from the same Country. There is only one human race but multiple different ideologies of what is right and wrong etc.
You are right without forgetting about the "I love everybody", "we love each other" and "love will make everything ok" ... we are all the same but just as a race or when we are born as you well also say, after that ... even twins do not think or believe in the same things if they are not adoctrinated the same, f.e. if they are separate the moment they born.
As far as I have seen unifications (or centralization can be called also) of something (culture, cities, language, etc) means more easy ways for to control humans.