They normally cut contact off with their previous victims due to several reasons. One being that they have found another victim or victims that are providing them with everything they need and want at that specific time. They then see or view their previous victims as useless, used up, boring, not fulfilling, or no longer intended for the purpose or desire of their selfish needs. They have found someone who is stroking their ego, giving them all the attention, praise, gratification, validation, affection, sex, money, shelter, a home-cooked meal, adoration, a listening ear, and the list goes on. This is part of the narcissist replacement cycle.
They cut contact with their previous victims because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This is the narcissist discard phase explained.
It is important to understand that someone with narcissistic traits often only forms and maintains relationships when they know that they will gain something in return to satisfy their insatiable egos. When they have found their new intended victim, they normally discard their old victim immediately because they do not want any interference from their old victims due to having all their needs met by a brand-new victim (their new supply). When juggling too many victims impacts their way of grooming their new victim, the risks outweigh the potential benefits. So, they will block you, stop communication, ghost/disappear on you, and go no contact. They do not want to be bothered, questioned, or entertain their previous supply or victim while love bombing a new individual. They see their previous victims as nonexistent, insignificant, and worthless, which is not at all true, but they will somehow justify in their distorted way of thinking why they find their victims no longer useful. They are doing the same thing in the beginning with the new victim that they were doing with the previous victims. So, prior to you, someone else was their previous victim that they’ve cut all contact with because of meeting you. This is just part of their abusive and predatory pattern that they use on all of their victims. This highlights the narcissistic manipulation tactics and the narcissist’s need for narcissistic supply.
As hurtful as it may be, they view their victims as expendable, meaning seeing them as of little significance when compared to their overall purpose of their narcissistic behavior. This has nothing to do with you, who you are, and what you have done. Those with NPD, narcissistic tendencies, or narcissistic personality disorder lack empathy, so discarding and cutting off all contact comes naturally for them until they need you or something from you again if they decide to return. This underscores the narcissist lack of empathy and discard.
In the end, when the narcissist cuts off all contact, it is an advantage to their victims because you no longer become a victim but a survivor! A survivor who is no longer on an emotional roller coaster to nowhere with a toxic individual who has a personality disorder. When they cut off contact with their victims, consider that an advantage to your emotional-mental health. May you know the signs, may you not remain a victim, and may you become a survivor to overcome narcissistic abuse. This emphasizes healing from narcissistic abuse and becoming a narcissistic abuse survivor. How to cope with narcissistic discard is a crucial step in recovery.