You know what sucks?_vol.1_Toxicity.

in #toxicity5 years ago

Sooomewheeeere, between the sacred silence and sleep... Disorder, disorder, disooooorrrdddeeer!

(Quit now, you can die later!
 by Patrick Brinksma on Unsplash)


What in the World could be brewing inside those self-centric assholes who are just so fucking toxic towards other people? In what way could they possibly be so sure they're a better human being than someone in a ''weaker'' state than them?

Even if you've never been bullied, I'm sure you've somehow come in contact with the sight known as bullying. You'd think it's a thing common in secondary school, surely ending with graduation from high school, but no. It is not. It still continues amongst adults at work, at home, online, even on the streets. You know what I'm talking about.

In Estonian we have this pronoun ''heal lapsel mitu nime'' - ''there's several names for a good child''. Yet still this black sheep of bullying has so many names... discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, etc.

''Don't be such a snowflake! What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.'' These are words usually coming from a bully's mouth as attempts of justifying their actions. Either they've never been hurt themselves and lack the essential skill of empathy or they've been hurt so bad in the past they've eventually turned into a villain. Oh, those poor souls...

If only they'd channel the energy they spend on spitting poison from the tips of their tongues (or fingers, as they type online) improving their skill of empathy or educating themselves on topics they stand against, not knowing the history behind or what they actually consist of.

''Lootus on lollide lohutus'' - ''hope is the consolation of fools'', and I am a fool for hoping at one point there will be people fighting the toxicity brewing in them, and working towards becoming better.


I've pondered too, why some people choose to hate everything around them, instead of acknowledging that hate is a negative emotion that poisons their life. I guess we all sometimes hate somehting or someone, I guess it's a lifelong struggle of letting it go and embracing the good things. Some people just never make it to the good side.

I agree. And yet raises another question: how am I any better judging them, holding an axe above their heads?

Thoughts are just thoughts, they don't count ;)