Yup! It’s another one of these damn Funko Pop collections. These are definitely walking into our door more often as of late which I don’t mind at all. It’s a great way to build up our inventory and restock on the cheap.
Funny part is I specifically remember the sellers as they came in Black Friday weekend when we ran our sale and purchased the Freddy Funko Bloody Chucky Exclusive. This one...
Anyway, it’s a young couple and they are moving their Pops as they just found out that they have a baby on the way. I congratulated them and then started diving into the 2 large Rubbermaid tubs full of vinyl goodness. I always do a count to start with. Just to get a number of pieces total.
As I count these suckers I also look to see what the collection is mainly made up up. In this case it’s a bunch of commons with some lower tiered exclusives and retired pieces. But certainly nothing on any large ilk.
This specific collection consisted of 76 individual Pops, 1 3pk, and 1 18” inch Batman for a grand total of 78 pieces. As always I let the seller state the starting price. I gave the usual warning that I always give when stuff of similar stuff is brought in which is that we pay anywhere from two to five bucks a piece.
He was reasonable in his starting number with a price of $350. That would have broken down to about $4.50 a piece which is more than I wanted to drop on this particular lot. So I did some snazzy math and came up with a total of $235 which broke down to about $3 bucks a piece. That was more in line with what I felt I wanted to shell out. While I know we needed a decent chunk of the lot, I also know that we have been getting similar types of collections walk through our door on the regular...so I can afford to be a bit choosy these days.
He didn’t even try to counter. He thought about it for about 5 seconds and accepted under one condition. That he could have his dirty Rubbermaid bins back. I gladly obliged. As we unpacked the Pops, I also realized that he had hit us up right when we opened and that I didn’t have $235 in cash on me at that very second. So I asked if he accepted PayPal it Venmo. Nope! I even joked about Bitcoin to which he just stared at me blankly. So I had to run out to the back a few blocks away and withdraw the funds from the ATM. A few minutes later, it worked out and I wished them good luck on their new adventure of parenthood.
So let’s dive in...shall we?
Out of the 78 pieces in the lot, we needed 48 of them on the sales floor. Pretty happy with that. The rest were doubles that went to die in the abyss in the back room. Before I could even price em up, we snapped pics, popped em up on Instagram, and had a few folks come in to pluck a few goodies.
Pieces sold immediately
- Post Malone -$25
- Twisty -$35
- Killer Frost - $65
- Zoom - $12
- Captain Cold - $12
- Lady Liberty - $12
- Chucky - $22
So we already immediately moved 7 pieces for $183 bucks...and since I priced them I know a couple of other commons sold as well. I believe we are probably at that even point or within a few bucks of it...so I’m happy with that as only about 11 pieces have gone in total so far leaving the rest for pure $$$. My favorite kind of deals are the ones we are out of the red on immediately with little effort.
Onto the next one...
Kids ruin everything.
Lol. You can say that again!
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What would the collection have cost about, if bought all new, on release, or whatever you do with these?
Well we pay around $6-$7 bucks a piece on new pieces depending on how many we order but that does not count the exclusives which would be anywhere from $10-$15 depending on the store. Also that big ass Batman I believe is like $100 new.
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I was in a retailer the other day that sold them and here they were around 16€ each ($17.50) and these didn't seem to be of anything special.
Yeah there are tons of commons. Literally a gazillion. But there’s a hardcore group of folks that pay thousands for some. I have a feeling that those folks will be the ones that end up getting burnt. While I don’t see a collapse in this market, I do see a correction.
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Looks like a good bit of business.
Any sign that FunkoPops are likely to go out of fashion any time soon?
What we do see and are starting to notice now are some of the old school collectors getting out. What this is translating to is the folks who were willing to drop fat stacks of cash on grail pieces, is diminishing. So we are seeing some price corrections on heavy hitters.
There are still new folks coming into the hobby but they typically and understandably aren’t dropping large sums on the big boys. If that sticks, I’d expect a large market correction.
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Interesting - I think my daughter has some.
What are the main new collectibles coming on the scene... Anything you think worth getting into now before prices start to climb?
Well there are always collectibles that are good to keep on your radar for investment purposes. Mezco is a toy company and they do a line of figures called One-12. Lots of those have been doing well as of late. Obviously some Pops. Some statues through Sideshow Collectibles or Kotobukiya. Then there are comics. The big trend as of recent years is folks grabbing up and new first appearances. Basically the first time a new character appears. Most end up being duds but once in a while a character takes off and the 3 or 5 dollar investment that ya bought in with results in a 50 dollar book shortly after. This entire industry is driven by speculation though. If ya want to invest into something serious...the older blue chip first appearance keys are always a safe bet. The downside is the buy in is already super nuts.
Just looking at the One:12's on eBay - some healthy prices.
Not seen them before.
I will start alert at jumbles, car boots and freecycles...
I was just gonna say I would be all over the Flash pieces! I love that show. 😍
I’ve seen 0 seconds of it. Lol. I just never got into the CW shows. I’m kinda a TV snob if I haven’t mentioned it before. Lol
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This is not a surprise. 🤪
lol. I give off that snobbish vibe
Looks like they were a pair of true intellectuals. Quite a few pops in there that would fit in with my small collection of plastic bullshit.
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WOW thats a lot of them my Son and daughter in law have a good collection of them I only have one Mr Bean :)
Love me some Mr Bean. How many are in their collection. You should do a piece showing em off on here.
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Ohh I love mr Bean have watched all the episodes numerous times
I am not sure how many they have but quite a few, but hen we move closer to them I may well be borrowing some for photo shoots inthe winter months whe I get out less
I never understood what people saw in these, I have a friend really addicted to pops, he is always so excited about buying a new one and always knows which ones are going to come out... Well, I can't really say anything since I like to collect NFT's online and crypto in my wallet xD
Being involved in this industry, I see trends come and go. I like em but own none. Well, I own 1 of my favorite villain...Mysterio. But yeah, the appeal is kinda nutty.
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