Restocking Television & Music Funko Pops

in #toys2 months ago


Funko Pop Restocking Update at Conquest Comics

I’m trying to get into the daily habit of posting to get the creative juices flowing once again. Sadly, today I was super bogged down and didn’t have time to plan anything special. So, I'll chuck up one of those fun Funko Pop updates as I haven’t for quite some time.

At my shop, Conquest Comics, we specialize in comics (obviously), action figures, statues, & Funko Pops. So much so that I feel we are overrun by them at times. Over 8,000 different Pops fill the shop, and as you can imagine, restocking takes a world of time and attention.


Myself and my main dude @jgiambi have been powerhousing and restocking from the back of the shop with our "overstock." That consists of about another 20,000 Pops. So as you can imagine, restocking takes some effort on our parts. So far, we've done full restocks of our Marvel, Movies, Video Games, and Sports sections. Remaining are Disney (next up), DC, Star Wars, & our largest (and final) chunk, which is Animation. Wrapped up today, which took a few days of attention, was the TV/Music section.

In total, we yanked out an additional 377 pieces to place out on the floor. Most of these pieces range from $13-25, but there's a chunk—say 30%—that will land in the $25-50 area. While pricing through the stockpile, I also found 6 pieces that will be added to our "Grail Cases". We reserve those for pieces $75 and above.


All in all, I’d say we brought out and priced up between $5,000 to $10,000 worth of merchandise...just from that one section. Madness! So far, it's the largest of the Pop sections we've restocked thus far. Although it’ll pale in comparison to the Animated area once tackled.

Not too shabby...



I think you might have too many funkos. 😂
Those stacks are getting crazy.

It’s dumb. That’s just one isle showing 2 sections…our movies and our tv/music sections. They cover our bookshelves with our trade paperbacks which I hate. But on the flip side, they sell well. We just had so many to begin with, continue to get new ones, and also buy tons of collections that walk through our door.

But yeah…it’s totally dumb and out of conyrol. Lol

I've never seen that many in one place. There's a local music/video shop that has a fair few. I saw some in a charity shop recently and was almost tempted to buy. I just don't have the space.

Do you have sales to clear out some of the stock?

We have the most I’ve ever seen anywhere under one roof. Definitely and not even close. It’s actually silly how large the selection here is. Lol

We do 2 sales a year, that’s it. 6 months apart. People see lots of pops and think they just be dead inventory and not be living but that’s the furthest thing from the truth. The real issue and it’s not a bug but more of a feature, is that we purchase lots of collections from people looking to move their collections or parts of it.

Unless it’s expensive grail pieces, we have a very low range we buy per piece. It makes it so you come in with 65 pieces. We purchase for say…2 bucks a piece. I’m into it 130 bucks, but I sell 6 pieces this week for 25 each. I now am up and have 59 pieces free and clear. Now imagine that scenario working 5-10 times a week with varying numbers. That’s one of the ways we’ve built it up here.

I let people know right from the start that they can make more online, and that we are going to offer the least amount. People appreciate the honesty but most folks don’t have the time or energy to sell online or through another means, so they dump it. Ill take that that point. Lol

Funko needs to produce a Pop of a comic book shop stuffed to the gills with Funko Pops. Life-size, of course. :)


Funko needs to slow down. Lol

Epic collection! My homey at Undiscovered Realms in Westchester is a huge pop head, especially for the chase limited editions from different events. That whole market is wild, they got cases for the boxes of course!

That’s awesome! Yeah, they’ve become quite the staple at our shop over the years. We’ve actually done a few exclusive pieces back in the day that you could only get at our shop. A Metallic Harley Quinn, and a White Phoenix (X-Men) with a Glow variant. $$$. Back when Funko gave a shit about small little shops. Lol

Nobody really gives a shit about the small shops anymore. Fuck Hasbro!

The small retailers are definitely an afterthought.