Every year there always seems to be a few toys that didn't really stand out until they went from normal story prices to anywhere between 100% and 1000% or more in profits on eBay.com
Many people can make some easy money if they are lucky enough to find these select toys still in their local stores.
Sadly, many will get stuck either skipping the gift or paying many times over the original price via an online store
Here is one that I think will be sold out and keep going up in price until the beginning of 2018. Get them if you can

There are these toddler sinks that runs on batteries that has running water. Sold out around here. I bought the last one in stock online in a 200 mile radius. Cost me $14.95 being sold on ebay and amazon from resellers for $50. Suppose to be out of stock till after Christmas.
That is one I had not seen yet. This set was $22.99 at Wal-Mart and selling for $85 plus on eBay right now but not sold out EVERYWHERE.
Wow, learn to wash dishes as early as possible.
My great niece is 1 and loves hers she drinks out of it
lol, I showed my wife and she agrees our 4 y/o will get one for his birthday. He is obsessed with water...........thanks, lol
You are welcome lol
Lol my boys love that show right now
Mine too, see if you can find this 16 pack around where you are.
This is great lol
I dont know this cartoon.
How do you have internet if you live under a rock? Just Dance!