@tach's 2018 Roadmap and Steemit Turkey

in #tr7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone,

After one month later @tach is active again. I know, it's long time but as you can guess I wasn't just gone. I was working behind the Steemit, in real life for @tach's 2018 roadmap and future of Turkish Community. But let me remind you what we did in 2017 before talking about our 2018 plan.

What @tach did in 2017?

@tach have a commen future dream for Turkish communit. We want to introduce Steemit in Turkey especially in universities and find+educated new members. Because @tach's mission is to create semi-autonomous local city groups among the universities and help them grow. In this way we aim to create a network of rapid interaction among university students and to produce projects supported by Steemit. We are trying to create a decentralized city communities network in Turkey. So, we did some little project for that for beginning. You can find more info about @tach in Mission Statement of Tach post.

In this project, we made guerilla marketing for 3 cities, Istanbul, Izmir, Canakkale. So, we put this poster in specific locations, popular places for Y and Z generation. Because they are our target group. Let's see our target maps in these cities. Let's watch project video.

In this project we aim to show why universities are the best places to find new good content producer. Because an university student have knowledge and experience to produce creative contents. Each can produce content in their own department and they mostly can write English. I think this is most important thing for a local community in Steemit ecosystem. Having more visibility. So, we are trying to grow in universities because we want to create Steemit crowdfunded projects. And that's how we want help a lot of people in Turkey with using exchange rate.

In this project, me and @dogancankilment started our workshops to create a developer team for more Steemit and generally blockchain apps. Because as you know blockchain isn't just about Steemit or blogging. There is a new tech and we want to learn and teach it. Our workshop start with Github. We talk about github and its opportunity.

We created more Turkish tutorials with @tach in 2017. Thanks to these contents, many new users discovered Steemit and learned the details. @tach will continue to add new members to the Turkish community and teach them about the Steemit ecosystem in 2018.

SteemianTV is a YouTube channel and leading by @vitruvianman and @monomyth. We want to find more Turkish user for Steemit and teach them what we know. After our first big project University campain project, we will produce more better quality education videos for Steemit. Many new writers from the university project must be trained to produce quality content as soon as possible. We have a lot of educational content in writing. But we don't have any video content. SteemianTV will be a huge archive for training. New members will be able to adapt in a short time with the videos.

What we will do in 2018?

We will continue with the most summarized version. We will continue to do everything we do. We will find more Turkish members. We will offer them more training content. We will try to ensure that the Turkish community grow and become a productive part of the ecosystem. I tell you what we will do in turn.

  • In the second week of January (ie next week) we will be using the Steemit tutorial website for the Turkish community. This site will be collectively accessible to the Steamit collective attestations on the ecosystem prepared by more than one author. On this page, we will collect all the tutorial contents in a single address, and we will find more members on Steemit's google index.

  • In the third week of January, we will do our street animals activity. Food for the animals will be taken, street animals will be fed and will be transported to the animal shelter.

  • In the fourth week of January and the first two weeks of February, we will be the first major project for 2018. For three weeks, will be shooting the documentary Steemit Turkey. We will interview as many Steemit members as possible with the Turks and listen to their stories and ideas. We needed a budget for this big team work, and we got it over @tach (Just like the street animals project). With this documentary we will find more new members in universities during the year.

  • We will make and share a lot of tutorial videos on SteemianTV. Thus, new members will be able to adapt faster with video content. We will also try to reach more people through YouTube.

  • We will continue with the projects we started in 2017. We will go on to the Software Workshop when the second semester of the university starts. At Steemit we will try to establish a city team that produces software projects. @dogancankilment will help me in this regard.

  • We will continue to present Steemit at universities. We will also organize organize events for members of the Turkish community on special occasions throughout the country. We want to show that good things can be achieved with Steemit funds. We want to integrate Steemit with real life.

  • In 2018, we will try to collect three thousand SP until July, with @tach. Thus, we will be able to further support the Turkish community and newcomers.

That's it for @ tach's 2018 roadmap and project schedule. In the coming months we will continue to do additional projects. Take care of yourself!

2018 için plan ve projelerimiz?

1 aydır hesap aktif değildi çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı fakat artık tekrardan üretmeye ve yardım etmeye hazır. 2018 için güzel plan projelerimiz var. En özet hali ile devam edeceğiz. Yaptığımız, amaçladığımız herşeye devam edeceğiz. Daha fazla Türk üye bulacağız. Onlara daha fazla eğitim içeriği sunacağız. Türk topluluğunun büyümesi ve ekosistemin üretken bir parçası olmasını sağlayamaya çalışacağız. Sırayla yapacaklarımızı söyliyeyim size.

  • Ocak aynın 2. haftası (yani sonraki hafta), Türk topluluğu için hazırladığımız Steemit tutorial Web sitesini kullanıma sunacağız. Bu sitede Steemit'de birden çok yazar tarafından hazırlanmış ekosistem hakkındaki tutoriallara topluca erişebilecek kullanıcılar. Bu sayede hem tüm tutorial içerikleri tek bir adreste toplanacak, hem de Steemit'e google indeksi üzerinden daha fazla üye bulacağız.

  • Ocak ayının 3. haftası, sokak hayvanları etkinliğimizi gerçekleştireceğiz. Hayvanlar için mama alınacak, sokak hayvanları beslenecek ve hayvan barınağına gidilecek.

  • Ocak aynın 4. haftası ve Şubat'ın ilk 2 haftası, 2018 yılı için ilk büyük projemizi yapıyor olacağız. Üç hafta boyunca, Steemit Türkiye belgeselinin çekimleri olacak. Olabildiğince çok Steemit üyesi Türkle ropörtaj yapıp, hikayelerini ve fikirlerini dinleyeceğiz. Bu büyük bir ekip çalışması olacağından bütçeye ihtiyacımız vardı ve bunu @tach üzerinden karşıladık (tıpkı sokak hayvanları projesi gibi).

  • SteemianTV üzerinde bir çok tutorial videoları yapıp paylaşacağız. Böylece yeni üyeler videolu eğitim içerikleri ile daha hızlı adapte olacaklar. Aynı zamanda YouTube üzerinden daha fazla kişiye ulaşmaya çalışacağız.

  • 2017 yılında başlangıcını yaptığımız projelere devam edeceğiz. Yazılım Workshop'una üniversitenin ikinci dönemi başladığında devam edeceğiz. Steemit'de yazılım projeleri üreten bir şehir ekibi kurmaya çalışacağız. @dogancankilment bu konuda bana yardımcı olacak.

  • Üniversitelerde Steemit'i tanıtma sunumlarına devam edeceğiz. Ayrıca Türk topluluğu üyeleri ile birlikte özel günlerde ülkenin her yanında organize etkinlikler düzenleyeceğiz. Steemit fonları ile güzel işler başarılabileceğini göstermek istiyoruz. Steemit'i gerçek hayata entegre etmek istiyoruz.

  • 2018 yılında, Temmuz ayına kadar üç bin SP toplamaya çalışacağız @tach ile. Böylece Türk topluluğuna ve yeni gelen üyelere daha fazla destek olabileceğiz.

@tach'in 2018 yol haritası ve proje takvimi şimdilik bu kadar. İlerleyen aylarda bunlara ek yeni projeler yapmaya devam edeceğiz. Kendinize iyi bakın!

Discord Kanalımız

Thanks for all helps to @sndbox family,
@hansikhouse and @voronoi!


Look'n great guys!

Thank you my lord!

So great!!! The best of the lucks and enjoy that!

Thank you :)

Great Initiative, here we are in the same arrangements for our one! So send you some energy from here man! Get Fun over All and let's make Steem Grow! ! :D

Thank you man, let's do it together!

Sure.. you can find me in Steemit.chat and in the Sndbox too!

I am very happy to see this post about steemit.
thank you

Your welcome :)

yes yes .... friends!

Teşekkürler, çok güzel gelişmeler olacak.

Bence de :)