If you have successfully registered your trademark, congratulations are definitely in order. Your business has survived a tough process of passing the standards of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and now, you officially own your brand. But it doesn’t end there. As a business owner, you must be aware of the threats and scams that may come your way.
These nasty people take advantage of your fear and take your money, and for what? They just do, and you get nothing. This is why you should learn about the Asian Domain Name Scam and warn your entrepreneur friends about it too.
What is The Asian Domain Name Scam?
This domain name scam is one of the most common scams you can experience and it all starts with a letter or an email stating that somebody else is trying to get a domain name in China (sometimes Taiwan) on your brand name. Then they go on about that they want to be helpful by informing you about this as soon as they can and that they can process it ahead of you so you can get that .CN domain name.
Guess what? It’s a huge scam! If you ever receive these types of letters, do not panic! A lot of entrepreneurs have been fooled by this scam and have lost money because they were so scared that somebody else would register their name in China. But here’s the first question you should ask yourself: “Did I even trademark my brand in China? Do I do business there?”
If the answer is a huge no, then you have no problem at all. You don’t even need it in the first place. The best way to go about it is to do other things that are worth spending time on—growing your business. Focus on other important things and let this letter or email rot. Don’t be the next person that gets fooled.
Consider yourself warned and if you can, share this article with your friends so that they can avoid losing money which would make them feel terrible. The more people know about this scam, the chances of someone falling for this trap will decrease significantly and who knows, the scammers might just stop at this approach.
What To Do With Scams Similar To This?
Sadly, scams never disappear and there are many horrible people who target the fear that entrepreneurs have when it comes to business. So as mentioned above, even though the Asian Domain Name Scam can stop eventually because of the large number of people who know about this, but soon enough, other scams will emerge—and they’re not at all that different from this one.
Other people have even reported emails that say that their brand is currently being trademarked in China, but again, this is to prey on the fear and sometimes, the lack of knowledge people have on these things. The best way to go about it is to simply delete the email or if you are unsure, consult your trademarking lawyer or firm that processed your trademarks. They will be able to tell you, for sure that the email you got is a scam.