EUR-USD Now Up 1.2389 from 1.2336, BlockchainStar Predicted It!

in #trades7 years ago (edited)

Well, I guess the BlockchainStar's claim that the recent EUR/USD pullback 3 1/2 hours ago was a pseudo correction and a bait has proven to be true. The BlockchainStar posted earlier in the day on January 29, 2018 at about 11am, stating that the recent EUR/USD pullback was nothing but a bait to attract king fish investors who don't understand how the currency market works, and the market would soon show its true intentions. King fish traders lose 95% of the time while trading in the financial and equities markets. They don't really know who the major players are in the markets. In fact, the major players in the markets are the major winners in the markets, who wins 95% of the time.

To win 95% of the time like they do, you have to know how to play their game. In fact, knowing the game is not enough; you have got to master the winning strategies of the game. No single strategy will always win in this game of trading. So, you will have to learn what they are. And the fastest way of learning these winning strategies is getting coached by someone who knows.

The BlockchainStar will not tell you that he knows all the answers because no one knows all the answers, but what the BlockchainStar will do, is show you what is likely to happen in the market. The BlockchainStar is not an investment advisor, but he is a trader who knows a few things about the market that the average joe does not know.

You are reading the BlockchainStar's blogged articles, so you deserve some valuable information that could put some money in your pocket or some steam in your wallet. The BlockchainStar's approach to providing knowledge to less informed traders and investors is to present the knowledge in a challenging way, so when the puzzle or challenge is discovered, the seeker of the knowledge will be enlightened with the new knowledge, and this knowledge, usually equates to profiting in the financial and equities market; that is being on the winning side of trades, 95% of the time, just like the Genie.

Now, 3 and half hours later the EUR/USD currency pair is trading at 1.2389 at 2:36pm, Eastern Time. So, how did the BlockchainStar know that the EUR/USD currency pair was going to go from 1.2336 three hours ago to 1.2389 three and half hours later?

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