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RE: Daytrading keeps me sane, while I wait for those Big Trades

in #trading8 years ago (edited)

HI Luc,

I've been absolutely obsessed with the crypto world now for over two months now (most of my friends want to strangle me) and without a doubt you are the most helpful, articulate person I've come across. 90% of trading tip-type videos ive run into are somebody unabashedly shilling a product/service or talking in circles and not really giving you any useful information. Your trading style has helped me immensely already and ive only watched a half dozen videos or so. I really like how basically the only indicator you use is Volume and I believe that's the correct way for how I should become proficient, by reading naked charts and not over-complicating things too much...

I was trying to use KST, FSI, MACD, BB, etc etc and it wasn't quite overwhelming but for me at least, it cluttered everything up too much and actually made it more difficult to interpret the chart because I'm so new at this. I was already starting with small accounts and am up $200 or so in the last couple weeks but I cannot stress enough how much what you're saying in your videos resonates with me as it clearly does with your other followers as well. You are the DEFINITION of a professional and I aspire to one day be as sharp a trader as you are. I'm going to pump the brakes on my day trading for the next week or so and just GORGE on all the content on your blog. The way you are helping everyday people overcome their fears and achieve their financial freedom (with no incentive, I might add) is just too awesome to accurately convey with words. I live in Fairbanks, Alaska and I must say our neighbors to the east are ALRIGHT!! I don't know where you're at in Canada but if you ever come to Alaska, I'd be offended if you didn't let me buy you a beer haha. But seriously, keep doing what you're doing and I hope God blesses everything you touch. You are changing people's lives and that's no BS. Have a wonderful day,

Kyle Robinson

P.S. Your buddy's market scanner is friggin' awesome. Especially since my primary exchange is Bittrex. I'll donate some btc here in the next few days. Also, I hope Coinigy integrates Binance soon. I know they only came on the scene a bit ago but I've heard good things besides the fact withdrawals take longer than most other exchanges. I recently got verified and look forward to trading there. Anyway, thanks again for your insight and I'll be watching your blog like a hawk.