I publicly predicted the crackdown on ICOs two days before it occurred.
In early 2017, I publicly predicted the Litcoin price would go from $6 to $50, and then as high as $500. It reached $300+ so far. I know a young man in his 20s who is now a $millionaire because of following that prediction and putting all his money into Litecoin.
I publicly predicted from prior version of that first chart that I had drawn originally in early December before the peak in
Dec 2017
, that the price would rise to $20k then fall back down to the pink curve, which is precisely what it did. Here is the original version of the chart:
click to zoomIn 2010, I correctly publicly predicted the moves of the silver price months in advance.
In early 2013, I privately agreed with my friend and former silver trading colleague Risto Pietilla (the guy who bought a castle in Estonia for $1 million in Bitcoins in 2014) to sell $100,000 of silver and buy 10,000 Bitcoins at $10 each.
there are many more examples…
P.S. It doesn’t mean I’ve never been wrong. I do provide my detailed rationale in this blog which is I think worthwhile regardless of the outcome.
oh wao... i will remember you in who 2018... and now following you... lets see this time :p