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RE: Are you ready for the Bitcoin Fork? Whats my trading plan for THE FORK?

in #trading8 years ago

Hi Luc,

These questions are not trading strategy specific, but I was wondering if you could shed some light for me please, if you could.

I am on Mac and iPhone which poses 2 problems for me.

First of all, I can't seem to access the scanner telegram as mac doesn't recognize the address given in your previous video, from my browser. I have emailed @nervisrek from his contact details given in the previous video but heard nothing back yet.

Also, how did you make the trades while out and on the move? Do you have an Android device with the coinigy app? there is no iOS app for Coingy yet so I'm struggling there too.

  1. You need to install the app Telegram before clicking the links for @nervisrek's scanner

  2. There is no solution for iOS at this time. Carry around an Macbook like I do, or in a pinch use an iPad. Technically Coinigy doesnt support iPads at this time, but I have figured out enough workarounds that I could make it a usable situation

I have Mac and iPhone too, you need to download the app on your phone first and create the account there, then goto telegram and download to your Mac with the Mac version and then when you goto sign in on your comp you will already have an account made on your phone, it should just ask you for your phone number, then at that point you can click on the link in the blog post and it will ask you to join the channel the scanner is on. Hope that helps, good luck.

You will need to install telegram on your Iphone from here and then you can also use telegram via safari here The instructions are quite easy to follow. But to join the channel you will have to use your phone to click on those links if you are using a browser to use telegram.

Sorry to hear of your issues with setting up Telegram. I don't have an IPhone or Mac but the advice given by the guys who replied to your post should work. Thanks guys for helping out with this!

TB Bittrex is a bare bones but decent iPhone app, I actually really like it
HitBTC has a mobile web version, it's not great but it works
Poloniex has an Iphone app as well, looks good but I don't trade with them (yet)
Kraken has an iPhone app but it's not good

Tabtrader is one to keep an eye on, supposedly you can trade with it on android, and will be able to add api keys on the iOS version in the future.

You can use Blockfolio for alerts.