Stock-Options Trading Ideas for 09/06/2017

in #trading7 years ago

Below are a list of trade ideas that I would like to share for 09/06/2017:

My trade ideas include [Bullish Options Trades] and [Bearish Options Trades].

Please remember, these are just trading ideas as I am not a Certified Financial Advisor (CFA) but an normal investor/trader like you who trades for a living, LOL.

Good Luck to All and Enjoy your day!

Bullish Options Trades:

Symbol  OptionStrikePrice  CallBuyPrice  CallOptionStopLoss  CallSellPrice  OptionsExpirationDate #_Of_Options_Recommended_For_Purchase  BestBuyCategory 
TZA16.500.170.150.7209/08/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
TZA16.500.380.340.8709/15/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
TZA16.500.530.481.0109/22/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
TZA16.500.650.591.1309/29/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
TZA16.500.760.691.2310/06/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
TZA16.500.850.771.3210/13/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
TZA16. Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
XOM77. Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
XOM77.000.600.543.7709/15/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
XOM77.000.850.763.8209/22/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
XOM77.001.030.933.8809/29/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
XOM77. Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
XOM77.001.381.244.0610/13/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
XOM77.501.221.093.7010/20/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
RH49.505.785.207.2510/13/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
RH50.005.394.856.8310/20/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
RH49.503.983.585.4509/08/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
RH50.004.504.055.9309/15/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
RH50.004.804.326.2309/22/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
RH49.505.144.636.6209/29/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
RH49.505.565.017.0410/06/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR CALLS
STX32.500.270.241.4409/08/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
STX32.000.850.772.0409/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
STX32. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
STX32.500.890.801.8709/29/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
STX32. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
STX32.001.321.192.3910/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
STX32.001.441.292.4910/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
TRIP43.500.920.832.4409/08/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
TRIP44.001.020.922.3209/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
TRIP44.001.391.252.6609/22/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
AMD13. - 45 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
AMD13.000.370.330.7509/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
AMD13.000.490.440.8709/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
AMD13.000.640.571.0109/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
AMD13.000.730.661.1010/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
AMD13.000.810.731.1810/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
AMD13.000.950.851.3210/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CELG139.001.070.966.8109/08/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CELG139.002.071.867.0909/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
LL38.500.650.592.0609/08/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
LL38.501.291.162.5209/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
TRIP43.501.911.713.2509/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
TRIP44.001.901.713.1510/06/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
TRIP44.002.151.943.4010/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
TRIP44.002.352.123.6010/20/201725 - 45 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
UVXY31.501.381.242.3509/08/201750 - 75 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
UVXY31.502.512.263.4409/15/201725 - 45 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
UVXY31.503.473.124.4009/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
UVXY31.504.484.035.4209/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CELG139.002.812.537.5309/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CELG139.003.433.087.9809/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CELG139.003.993.598.4310/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CELG139.004.393.958.7710/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CELG140.004.223.808.3410/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CVX109.000.770.695.8709/08/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CVX109. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CVX109.001.621.465.9709/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CVX109.001.911.726.0709/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CVX109. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CVX109.002.412.176.3410/13/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
CVX110.002.041.835.6010/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DDD13. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DDD13.000.370.340.8009/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DDD13.000.510.460.9209/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DDD13.000.610.551.0109/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DDD13.000.720.651.1210/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DDD13.000.800.721.1910/13/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
DDD13.000.810.731.2010/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
LL38.501.621.462.8109/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
LL38.501.881.693.0509/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
LL38.502.282.053.4410/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
LL38.502.342.103.4910/13/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
LL39. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MCD160. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MCD160.000.770.707.0309/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MCD160. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MCD160.001.651.497.2809/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MCD160.001.981.787.4510/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MCD160. Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
MCD160.002.462.217.7510/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NFLX175. or More Options can be bouBUY CALLS
NFLX175.002.762.498.4909/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NFLX175.003.803.429.2709/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NFLX175.004.584.129.9209/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
UVXY31.505.725.156.6810/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
UVXY31.505.935.346.9010/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
UVXY32.006.545.887.5010/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
VIX12.0009/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
VIX12.001.080.971.4409/13/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
VIX12.001.551.391.9109/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
VIX12.002.191.972.5709/27/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
VIX12.002.402.162.7810/04/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
VIX12.002.562.302.9410/18/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
FAZ16.500.300.270.9509/08/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
FAZ16.500.440.401.0209/15/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
FAZ16.500.600.541.1409/22/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
FAZ16.500.720.651.2409/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
FAZ16.500.770.691.2910/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
FAZ16.500.870.791.3910/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
FAZ17.000.760.681.1910/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
HD152.500.800.727.4409/08/201750 - 75 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
HD152.501.581.427.5209/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
HD152.502.161.957.7309/22/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
HD152.502.492.247.9009/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
HD152.503.002.708.2110/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
HD152.503.302.978.4210/13/20175 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
HD150.005.154.6410.8110/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NFLX175.005.344.8010.6010/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NFLX175.006.305.6711.4810/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS
NFLX175.009.278.3414.3310/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY CALLS

Bearish Options Trades:

Symbol  OptionStrikePrice  PutBuyPrice  PutOptionStopLoss  PutSellPrice  OptionsExpirationDate #_Of_Options_Recommended_For_Purchase  BestBuyCategory 
X27.500.420.382.8209/08/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
X27.500.790.712.9609/15/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
X27.502.101.893.1709/22/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
X27.502.302.073.3309/29/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
X27.502.462.213.4610/06/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
X27.502.622.363.6010/13/20175 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
X27.002.522.273.4010/20/20172 Options can be boughtSTRONG BUY FOR PUTS
BIIB317.504.253.8319.8009/08/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
BIIB315.005.755.1818.1409/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
BIIB317.509.238.3121.5509/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
BIIB317.5010.389.3422.2909/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
BIIB317.5011.3110.1822.9410/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
BIIB317.5012.4211.1823.7710/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
BIIB315.0012.5811.3223.0610/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HFC31.000.340.313.4809/08/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HFC31.000.560.503.5209/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HFC31.000.870.783.6509/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HFC31.002.031.823.7409/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HFC31.002.181.963.8510/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HFC31. Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
HFC31.002.442.194.0310/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AAPL162.500.830.7510.3109/08/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY PUTS
AAPL162.503.363.0210.4909/15/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY PUTS
AAPL162.504.133.7210.8009/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AAPL162.504.804.3211.1709/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AAPL162.505.214.6911.4310/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AAPL162.505.615.0511.7010/13/201725 - 45 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
AAPL165.007.356.6214.0010/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.002.432.199.0509/08/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.003.683.319.4309/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.005.004.5010.2309/22/2017BUY PUTS
ALXN145.005.534.9710.6209/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FCX15. Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FCX15.000.370.342.2009/15/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FCX15.000.520.472.2809/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FCX15.000.600.542.3309/29/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FCX15.000.660.592.3710/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FCX15.000.720.652.4210/13/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
FCX15.000.760.682.4510/20/2017100 or More Options can be bouBUY PUTS
ALXN145.005.845.2610.8510/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.006.455.8011.3410/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
ALXN145.007.056.3411.8410/20/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
WDC89.500.890.805.7409/08/201750 - 75 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
WDC89.502.802.526.0909/15/20175 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
WDC89.503.523.166.5709/22/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
WDC89.504.303.877.2009/29/2017BUY PUTS
WDC89.504.764.287.5810/06/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
WDC89.505.124.617.8910/13/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS
WDC90.005.675.108.4910/20/20172 Options can be boughtBUY PUTS

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