...And honestly? One of the most difficult obstacles I've had to overcome in all my life. At the start, the losses were huge and they were real! But through sheer determination and undying persistence, I seem to have made it through to the other side. Working from home and being my own boss as opposed to the traditional 9 to 5? Mmmm, I think I'm quite alright where I'm at now, thanks...

Even though my academic background is in computing and IT, it all took a back seat when I first discovered Forex (Foreign Exchange) trading in 2007. The perks were great! Being my own boss, managing my time according to "me" and most importantly, not being accountable to anyone else. The charts, the various trading instruments, the economics of it all. It hooked me proper. Whilst I'm sure many would see a bland looking screen filled with these odd rectangular series of shapes and lines, I saw a story being told. And each day, brought a totally new one in the table.
After more than a decade of being pretty much self-sufficient, I stumbled upon crypto. Damn, I remember it like yesterday. As any half-decent trader is aware of, volatility is your best friend. In times of economic downturn in any market, a trader will see opportunity. And crypto gives you that and a whole lot more besides.
I got into trading crypto back when Poloniex was a brand new digital currency trading platform. Remember "Trollbox", anyone? So the fact that I could trade crypto alongside my more established area in Forex, was simply a dream scenario. I also soon learned that trading the smaller time-frames on crypto are the equivalent of flushing your funds down the toilet. Therefore I soon switched up and used my knowledge gained in Forex as a baseline. So far, things are working out great.
So, I see myself pretty much doing this for the rest of my work-related life. The pluses are just awesome. I actually love doing it (aka, "love" my job), I'm not stuck in an office the whole day and my profession is independent of international boundaries. All that's really required is an Internet connection and trading device. A desktop computer, tablet, even a standard smartphone. It all just fits together so well with the lifestyle of freedom I've always wanted.
I wonder, do you guys also see trading in the same light as I? Would love hear your thoughts... :)

Oh yeah, I remember the trollbox and all the withdraw problems on Poloniex ;-)
I discovered crypto in March 2017, and I tried my luck as daytrader, without any knowledge, hahaha. I flushed some money down the toilet.
Fortunately I bought some BTC and ETH in March 2017, and I never sold, so it's still a good long term investement.
Will I go back to daytrading after these years?!? No no no, better not.
Have a great day!
Steemitri The Mannequin
@steemitri if you bought BTC back in March 2017 you are a rich young mannequin!
Hahaha, no, not rich... and yes, it was at about 1000 swiss francs, and ETH at about 30-40 swiss francs.
So let's wait and see what happens in the next months/years ;-)
Oh man, you must be a crypto "OG" baron right now! :)
I'm really happy for you that you can make a living from home. That is many peoples dream.
I try, mate. So far, so good. :)
It's amazing that you got into this so early! I'm not much of a trader but have done okay with buying and holding certain coins. If I had to rely on my trading ability I would be in the poor house. Lol. The freedom of being able to set your own schedule is like nothing else. I'm glad you were able to achieve it!
Thanks, Eric! It can be stressful at times too, but so far, the good times outweigh the bad.
I hope that trend continues! I think these next two years are going to be one h@ll of a ride.
Sounds interesting, do you know of any solid resources to look into to be able to dip my toe in? I've known about forex for a long time but have never tried it because there seem to be a lot of scams out there.
Interested to see how your trading journey goes.
Noticed it here that 74%-89% of traders lose.