Intrinsic Value

in #trading3 years ago

Intrinsic value for a company share does exist, that allows you to determine whether the market price if overvalued or undervalued, and hence allows you to make your decision of investment. If its overvalued, you usually do not want to pay, if its undervalued, and has strong financials, along with good past performance, then it usually makes a good buy. Of course, there are multiple other factors that one has to consider when making the plunge, such as management, growth rate, and ensuring that the financials have not been manipulated cleverly to make it look good when its not, The point is, the concept of intrinsic value is generally accepted and followed., and it exists. You have models to arrive at this intrinsic value through calculation and skill as well.
When it comes to BTC, there is no management, no regulation, or any sort of financial backup that convinces me that I am making a good investment, other than the hope that in the future, this will be the currency that everyone shall go for. I am slightly hesitant on this, because this seems to be a bubble to me, considering that the demand is partially because of the fact that multiple banks seem to be accepting cryptocurrencies, which makes them adopt BTC as well. However, these banks have their own fiat currencies, and that seems to be the reason why they went this way. Regardless, the move is based on demand mostly.


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