I use coinbase pro to buy currency as a maker and don't pay any fees there so I probably won't be taking advantage of the bounty. Trade.io sounds a great option though for people who are paying hefty fees elsewhere.
The liquidity pool is interesting though although I have no idea what TIOx is? Wouldn't the ROI be dependent on how well that particular coin was doing?
I've not been involved in cryptocurrency for long and still find the whole trading thing very confusing. 😁
The Liquidity pool is dependent on the performance of the trade token but in addition trade.io puts in 50% of our funds generated from every revenue stream. From spreads to risk positions. Even transaction and placement fees go in. We have so distributed over $283,760 USD, one of the benefits are that you can opt in and out without penalties.
Thanks for the extra information tradeio-official. 😊
Your welcome!
Thank you for stepping in to explain the LP!
Hey @gillianpearce
Your zero fee statement shocked me enough that I had to check it out for myself and it seems that 0% fees are reserved only for high rollers.
Coinbase Pro Fee Schedule
I know the feeling, we were all in that position at one point of time. None of us were born traders 😂😂
Have a good one,
Hmmmm. Yes I was confused when the new fees were announced.
I found it hard to work out what I would be charged but I haven't been charged anything so far. Maybe it's because I traded with them before the fees were put in place?
I am certainly not a high roller. 😂 Or maybe my last trade at the end of March when I bought 0 004 btc was before the fees were changed.
I traded btc for Steem from there via Blacktrades last week and wasn't charged anything to do so.
I don't get it. Maybe you only get charged when using fiat?
THat's strange.
They must be charging you with a fee somehow. It might be calculated into the price so you don't notice.
Blocktrades surely does charge a hefty fee. That I know for a fact, but I forgot what the actual percentage was.
Must be included in the price then. I can see the fees records in coinbase pro and none have been charged.
I had no idea Blocktrades was charging me though. I don't have any records from them as I don't sign into an account to do the trade.
As I said, I'm pretty clueless! 😂