For those of you who use Telegram there is a great little bot that let's you know when there's unusual market activity in specific coins.
It factors in volume spikes, price changes, market history and current trend.
It doesn't provide sell signals or targets. That's up to you.
And you can tweak it to send you specific signals.
The speed of information is key when playing with your crypto investments and jumping on market trends.
It's simple to get up and running. Even I did it.
You can find it here.
Remember to keep your emotions in check when trading. Don't invest in things you don't understand. And it's a cliche but a really smart one - only invest what you can afford to lose.
Happy hunting!
Interesting, need to have a look at this.
Looks promising :)
Cool, I'll certainly poke around with this to check it out, but with due caution. Thanks!
just added it as i already use telegram...i like it more than whatsapp