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RE: Daytrading vrs Position Trading, which will make you more money?

in #trading8 years ago

Hey Luc, thanks so much for this video series. You're doing a huge service to the community and it's greatly appreciated!

Originally I wanted to ask you how to prevent myself from getting in too early (I have a very small account, so every percentage point counts), but your emphasis on position trading kind of answered that for me. I realized that my trades are in the safe bubble, but because I'm trying to day trade and staring at these positions all day, I'm getting anxious and making dumb decisions out of FOMO.

Anyway, great series, thanks so much for your contribution to the community. You've got a loyal fan!


its totally normal to be getting in too early after a crack.. thats why I sometimes nibble.. if i really want in, ill buy just a bit to satisfy that need to trade.. but save my big orders for lower into the safe circle