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RE: Daytrading vrs Position Trading, which will make you more money?

in #trading8 years ago (edited)

Please, don't change up now- love the work dude, should be called magic-luc for the business of trade lol

Having some insight and somebody, a guiding light has been fantastic- sort of keeps my head screwed on with taking hits like the crypto market gives a day, keeping me positive, the hits keep you realistic to not go all in or more than you can lose like you say not putting more when you get a return on building a small account..

Just can't wait to get that scanner too, I love position trade and any trades, can't wait to do daytrading though man! Penny stocks scare me it took me so long just to get into crypto even, feel like a new trader like myself can get chewed alive out there lol wall street


Just keep your positions small to start.. small trades till you feel confident.. If at anytime you are worried about a trade, that means you are in too big... all your trades should just be hum drum, easy, and never keep you up at night..