Thank you man Thank you very much.. For your valuable time and all.. I am studying your chart very well now..
Even now I just found my biggest mistake (I hope)..
I am so stupid that I zoomed in the chart and marked the bases, with your chart I see how much of a fool I am...
Next time I'll zoom out as much as I can and mark the bases. You are always right.. These are so obvious bases that I missed. The reason was I thought those bigger bases won't brake again so I zoomed in and found little ones and thought they are the bases.. How fool I am :-D
Now I see clearly..
Next time expect me with a good marked chart :-)
Thanks to you I think now I have a clear mind..
Thank you again marking the chart for me that was what I really wanted, I can't thank you enough..
Thank you all others who replied me also.. upvoted all